Yuko Onishi (goodtranslation) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 女性
Tokyo, Japan
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
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A New Perfect Combination of Performance and Price in Network Security Platform
The NSA 3130 network security platform utilizes Intel® Pentium® G850/ Celeron® G540 processor based on 32nm process technology. With the powerful CPU, NSA 3130 is capable of offering mighty computing performance and great expansion capability. NSA 3130 not only speeds up multitasks; meanwhile, remains to safeguard against all network threats. Moreover, to meet demands in diverse markets, NSA 3130 is able to verify third-party applications, and offers rich I/O options. In addition to long product lifecycle supports, NSA 3130 demonstrates more flexibility, unbreakable security and reliability to satisfy various security applications.


NSA 3130ネットワークセキュリティープラットフォームは、32nmプロセス技術をベースとした Intel® Pentium® G850/ Celeron® G540プロセッサーを駆使している。パワフルなCPUとともに、NSA 3130は力強いコンピューティングパフォーマンスと素晴らしい拡張機能を提供可能としている。NSA 3130はマルチタスクをスピード化するだけでなく、ネットワークの脅威から守ってくれる。さらに、NSA 3130は多様化する市場の需要を満たすためサードパーティアプリケーションを認証でき、豊富な I/Oオプションを提供する。 長期にわたる製品ライフサイクル支援に加え、NSA 3130は柔軟性、難攻不落のセキュリティーと様々なセキュリティーアプリケーションを満たす信用性を体現する。

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[Echelon Coverage] The closer knit future of Japan and Southeast Asia

The last panel of discussion for Echelon 2012 saw Masaru Ikeda , Co-founder of Startup Dating moderating the panel: “How is Japan relevant to Southeast Asia”, joined by Teruhide Sato, President & Group CEO of Netprice, Ganesan Velayathan, CEO & Founder of Fun & Cool Ventures, Motohiko Tokuriki, CEO of Agile Media Network Inc as well as Hiro Maeda, Managing Partnerof Open Network Lab.

This post is part of the live coverage of Echelon 2012, Asia’s leading tech startup event happening on June 11 – 12. If you spot typos, slight inaccuracies or need more clarification, do leave a comment in the post and we’ll address it in the next edit.



Echelon 2012の最後を飾るパネルディスカッション「日本はいかにして東南アジアと関わるのか」では、Startup Datingの共同設立者の池田将氏が司会を務め、Netprice代表取締役社長 兼 グループCEO 佐藤輝英氏、Fun & Cool VenturesCEO兼共同設立者のGanesan Velayathan氏、アジャイルメディア・ネットワーク株式会社代表取締役社長CEOの徳力基彦氏、そしてOpen Network Lab取締役の前田ヒロ氏が登壇した。

この投稿は6/11-12開催のアジアを代表するテックスタートアップイベント、Echelon 2012の生中継取材記事の一部です。タイプミスや些細な誤りを見つけられたり、補足説明が必要な場合には、ぜひともこの投稿にコメントをお残しください。次回編集時に対応させていただきます。

goodtranslation 英語 → 日本語

Hiro says that Japanese choose Southeast Asia because SEA is very similar to Japan and a lot of business model can be replicated here. It also didn’t make sense for Japanese to venture to the west because there are simply too much competition there.

Biggest problem for launching a startup in Japan

Contrary to popular belief, Ganesan calls out to those who are interested to venture into Japan to approach him: “Japan is an easy place to startup”. a lot of people dont do what other people do. In singapore, a lot of people replicate what goes on in the Valley. Hiro reinforced that by saying Japan is actually an attractive market where users are extremely monetizable.




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Advise to startups who wants to expand to Japan

Hiro: You have to put in a lot of effort. Expect to do a lot of customer development. Dont do it half heartedly because its not going to work. You have to be on the ground to understand it.

Motohiko: Work with Japanese companies. Please talk to Japanese more often.

Ganesan: Its easier to conquer Japan than China. When you build your startup, think of the a bigger market, not just a local one.

Sato: Its not all just about copying. You have to be creative and create a local business which can be understand and accepted by the locals. Understand your competitors. Go for mobile.







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Why are there no major Japanese players in the global market like eBay?

It turns out that mindset is the biggest problem. Before the internet age, Japanese has the mindset of doing business in the local market because its easy to do business locally. There was also no exposure to what was happening worldwide, which was further exacerbated by the lack of urgency amongst the Japanese. “With a history of a closed economy, the Japanese 1st generation of entrepreneurs are brought by with a local mindset, which seems to target only local market. However, with some success stories coming from Japan, things are certainly changing for the better,” mentions Teruhide.




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One issue the judges were concerned about is safety. In a business like this, one bad story can kill the entire business. The other problem is that it might be easier for people to just pay directly in cash and circumvent the Tripid payment system, thus robbing Tripid of its cut. Tripid responded that safety has been a primary concern of theirs. The app includes a sort of “panic button” that allows people to ask for help from the community, although exactly how this will prevent passengers or drivers from potential harm or abduction is unclear. Other judges expressed concerns about competition, but Tripid stressed that the service is about building a community first.

