Moreover, as the movement became bigger and stronger, Dr. Maathai added empowerment for women, eco-tourism, social justice through economic development, and other goals. The Green Belt Moment raises funds, educational programs, promotes networking, and publishes a newsletter. These activities aim to help the rural inhabitants of developing countries, especially women, by encouraging them to utilize their own abilities to improve their livelihoods and protect their local environment.
Maathai visited Japan in 2005. While here, she expressed admiration for the word mottainai, which refers to the traditional Japanese value of not wasting resources.In the beginning, the Green Belt Movement organized poor rural women in Kenya to plant trees to stop deforestation and woil erosion. Since then, the movement has expanded, and now over 30 million trees have been planted across 12 African countries.
Later, she graduated with a doctoral degree in Anatomy from the University of Nairobi and stayed on to teach and do research. In Kenya, firewood is an important source of fuel used for cooking, and many trees are cut down. While doing research in the countryside, Dr. Maathai observed the damaging effects of this deforestation such as soil loss, pollution, poverty, and malnutrition. To combat these problems, she founded the Green Belt Movement in 1977.
In the Pacific islands, 48 percent lack safe water, and in sub-Saharan Africa the percentage is also high(42 percent). Second, overuse is depleting the supply of groundwater. Farmers who depend on wells don't have enough water to irrigate their crops. The result is smaller harvests leading to food shortages and higher prices. Third, water pollution is endagering plants and animals as well as human beings Agricultural chemicals and industrial wastes are major sources of water contamination.
I wouldn’t do that to anyone.
Furthermore, global warming has accelerated the melting of glaciers and the polar ice caps. As a result, the sea level has been rising, threatening the existence of many low-lying islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, for example, Tuvalu and the Maldives. On the other hand, droughts and famines have become more severe and widespread than in the past.
How is climate change affecting the water crisis? Another aspect of the water crisis ---too much water ---is a consequence of global climate change. At the Third World Water Forum held in Kyoto in 2003, experts predicted that by 2025 half the world's population will experience extreme weather conditions like floods and droughts. Indeed, major flood disasters have been increasing: six in the 1950s, eight in the 1970s, eighteen in the 1980s, and twenty-six in the 1990s.
Fourth, there is regional competition for scarce water resources. These conflicts have sometimes led to armed conflict. Fifth, waterborne diseases transmitted through drinking water and inadequate sanitation are major causes of disease around the world, especially for children under age five. More than 2.5 billion people don't have a sanitary way of getting rid of urine and feces, which is over 40 percent of the world's population. Each year 1.8 million children die from diseases .
Water Crisis is a term used by the United Nations and other world organizations. It refers to the relationship between the human need for water and the amount and quality of water available for use.The growing population of the world has meant an increasing demand for the world's lilmited supply of fresh water. There are several aspects to the crisis. First, over a billion people don't have adequate access to safe drinking water.
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We've also launched a Facebook fanpage for the auditions, too. Check it out!
Educating girls gives them an equal chance to improve their lives and avoid poverty. Moreover, it leads to greater economic growth and prosperity for a country.Reduce child mortality. More than 10 million children in developing countries die each year from preventable illnesses. In these countries, 1 child in 10 dies before its fifth birthday from illnesses such as malaria, diarrhea, respiratory disease, and HIV. The goal is to reduce the mortality rate among children under five by two thirds.
Many children do not attend school because their families cannot afford to pay school fes. Other children need to work to help support their family, or their parents think that girls should stay at home and do chores.Promote gender equality and empower women. It is essential to eliminate the gender gap in primary and secondary education. In Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, more than 20 percent of the girls do not attend high school.
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Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. More than 1 billion people live on less than 1 dollar a day including 238 million young people. The first goal is to reduce this figure by 50 percent by achieving full employment and decent work for all. By doing so, this goal aims to reduce the proportion of people suffering from hunger by 50 percent as well. Achieve universal primary education. Without primary education for all, progress on the other goals will be difficult.
What is the Millennium Declaration? In 2000, delegates from 189 countries pledged to work together at the UN Millennium Summit to make the world better for everyone by 2015 or sooner. They signed the Millennium Declaration, which set eight goals for eliminating poverty, improving health, and achieving human rights. These goals are known as the Millennium development Goals. Below and on the following pages is summary of these goals.
~ they rely on the nurses to care for the patients.
As doctors spend more of their time in surgery or in their offices, ~
Glad to meet you! Maybe we can help each other with studies.
One day the technology to enter virtual reality worlds that seem as real as the real world will be invented. It'll be sort of like the virtual world that can be seen in the movie, "The Matrix," except it will be ran as a service by (evil) companies that we'll have to pay for, instead of by evil machines that want to enslave us, I think. When that happens, we'll have the technology to setup a special place that all of our friends from both America and Japan can gather anytime they want to!