freckles 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
freckles 英語 → 日本語

With the introduction of Google PowerMeter and Microsoft Hohm, eco-feedback technology may well become part of a common technological landscape. Millions of households will be able to view their home resource consumption data on their mobile phones and web browsers. This will provide great opportunities for the behavioral analysis of eco- feedback technology through massive AB testing. This uptake in the commercial sector also raises issues of privacy and trust, since eco-feedback technologies can collect vast amounts of information on personal habits.We have investigated the ways in which HCI and environmental psychology approach eco-feedback technology research.


Google PowerMeterおよびMicrosoft Hohmの登場によって、エコフィードバックテクノロジーは一般的な技術産業の一部となりつつあります。多数の家庭が携帯電話やウェブブラウザを使用して、自宅の光熱費の消費データを見ることができるようになるでしょう。これは、膨大なABテストを介して、エコフィードバックの行動分析を行うのに非常に良い機会となります。商業セクターにおけるこの技術の急成長により、プライバシーと信頼という問題が発生します。これは、エコフィードバックテクノロジーは、個人の行動習慣の膨大な情報を収集することが可能なためです。私たちは、HCIと環境心理学がエコフィードバックテクノロジーの研究にアプローチする方法を調査してきました。

freckles 英語 → 日本語

Eco-feedback technology provides feedback on individual or group behaviors with a goal of reducing environmental impact. The history of eco-feedback extends back more than 40 years to the origins of environmental psychology. Despite its stated purpose, few HCI eco-feedback studies have attempted to measure behavior change. This leads to two overarching questions: (1) what can HCI learn from environmental psychology and (2) what role should HCI have in designing and evaluating eco-feedback technology? To help answer these questions, this paper conducts a comparative survey of eco-feedback technology, including 89 papers from environmental psychology and 44 papers from the HCI and UbiComp literature.


エコフィードバックテクノロジーは個人またはグループの行動に対してフィードバックを提供し、環境に対する負の影響を削減することを目的とします。エコフィードバックの歴史は40年以上前にさかのぼり、環境心理学に端を発します。その明言された目的にも関わらず、わずかなHCIエコフィードバックの研究だけ行動変化を計測することを試みました。これにより2つの包括的な疑問を導かれます。(1) HCIが環境心理学から何を学べるか。(2)エコフィードバックテクノロジーの設計と評価においてHCIの役割は何か。これらの疑問に答えるため、この文書ではエコフィードバックの比較調査を行います。これには環境心理学関連の89部の文書とHCIとUbiCompの44部の報告書を含みます。

freckles 英語 → 日本語

As a community, however, HCI has yet to define how these methodologies should be used to evaluate the potential strengths of an eco-feedback design with respect to its ability to change behavior. Regardless of this outcome, it is crucial that HCI and UbiComp researchers look to the environmental psychology literature on proenvironmental behaviors and behavior change strategies for techniques and inspiration. We believe eco-feedback technology will soon play a major role in the ways in which we think about and act in the world. The HCI community should ensure that it is integral in helping shape the role of eco-feedback in the future.



freckles 英語 → 日本語

Appliance load monitoring systems aim to achieve per appli- ance energy decomposition. Such systems however lack automated set-up, which precludes widespread roll-outs. This work illustrates how human supervision can be reduced to a strict minimum; appliance activity states are captured with cheap wireless sensors, which enables accurate automated energy data annotation. This paper demonstrates the accu- racy of this technique via an intuitive graphical user interface.Behavior altering technologies are being rolled out to better inform domestic energy consumers. Invariably, these manifest themselves as single devices offering direct feedback on energy expenditures,



freckles 英語 → 日本語

software tools for comprehensive overview on energy spending, or complete systems for residential energy management. Such systems do not as yet incorporate realtime per-appliance energy decomposition. The recording of appliances’ signatures, the generation of annotated data sets to train machine learning algorithms, as well as the comparison of the systems’ outputs to the actual appliances’ activity all require manual input from homeowners.
This work demonstrates via an intuitive graphical user interface how appliances’ activity states can be autonomously retrieved using cheap wireless sensors and furthermore how this enables full automation of the appliance load monitoring set-up procedure.



freckles 英語 → 日本語

Financial professionals in the program can help families:
Understand how a special needs trust, a document prepared by an attorney with expertise in special needs law, protects an individual’s eligibility for government assistance such as Supplemental Security Income and/or Medicaid. Assets held by the trust for the benefit of someone with special needs should be used to supplement—not replace—government assistance.
Select the proper insurance and products to help fund the special needs trust.
Get started with a Letter of Intent, a non-binding document which states a family’s wishes for their loved one's future with regard to health issues, educational goals, etc., and the means to support those wishes.



福祉法を専門とする弁護士によって作成された特殊ニーズ基金によって、政府からの補助、たとえば補足的保障所得(Supplemental Security Income)や、またはMedicaidと呼ばれる、障害者/低所得者対象の医療保険を受け取るための資格などが保護されること。基金によって維持管理された、特殊なニーズを持つ障害者を受託者とした資産は、政府の補助に取って代わるものではなく、あくまで補足的なものであること。特殊ニーズ基金の財源として適切な保険や金融商品を選ぶこと。患者の将来の健康問題、教育の最終目標などに関する家族の意思や希望、さらにそれらの希望を実現するための手段を明確に記載した、かつ法的拘束力のないLetter of Intent(基本合意書)を作成すること。

freckles 英語 → 日本語

“Our involvement with NDSS reflects Prudential's commitment to serving the particular financial needs of growing diverse markets,” said Joan. "The work NDSS does is invaluable and we’re proud to leverage their extensive experience and join them as an advocate for the special needs community.”
Over the last year, a core team of Prudential and independent financial professionals located across the country have been trained to address the unique financial concerns of families caring for loved ones with special needs through the company’s program, Special Needs Solutions…For All Ages.




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National Down Syndrome Society joins forces with Prudential
The Prudential will provide members of the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) support in the area of financial literacy as a result of an agreement the two organizations announced today.
“We’re excited to work with Prudential to help people with Down Syndrome and their families learn more about planning for their future financial needs,” said Jon. “Both organizations have a vested interest in increasing awareness in this area as well as creating additional resources and opportunities for our members.”
Through the agreement, Prudential will host informational webinars and participate in local NDSS chapter activities including Buddy Walks.


国内ダウン症の会(National Down Syndrome Society)がプルデンシャル(Prudential)社と協力
プルデンシャルが、国内ダウン症の会(National Down Syndrome Society-NDSS)の会員に対してファイナンシャルリテラシーのサポートを行うことに、両組織が合意したことが本日発表された。「私たちは、ダウン症患者とその家族に対し、将来の経済的な必要性について計画することを学んでもらうために、協力することを喜んでいます。」「両組織は、この分野について、人々がもっと自覚することの重要性を深く感じ、当会の会員に対して、さらに情報と機会を増やすことに関与したいと思っています。」とジョンは語っている。
この合意にもとづいて、プルデンシャルは情報提供を目的としたオンラインセミナーの開催や、各地のNDSS支部が開催する、Buddy Walksなどのイベントに参加する。

freckles 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

U.S. parents appear to have enough resources to meet only 16% of college costs, down from 18% in 2009.
Fidelity Investments, Boston, has based that estimate of family college funding status on results from a survey of 2,500 U.S. financial decisionmakers who have children ages 18 and younger who are expected to attend college and who have annual household incomes of at least $30,000 per year or more.
Fidelity puts data on the number of children in each household, each child’s time to matriculation, the current savings rate, future contribution expectations and other data through Monte Carlo simulations to predict what percentage of college costs families might be able to handle.



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The current family college funding level is down from 24%, when Fidelity first began tracking the statistic.
But Fidelity found that 67% of parents included in the survey are saving for future college costs, up from 63% in 2009 and up from 58% in 2007.
The percentage of participants who said they are familiar with Section 529 college savings plans has increased to 51%, up from 40% in 2009.
The percentage of parents who plan to start saving for college in the future and want to open a 529 plan has increased to 30%, from 18%.
Parents of children ages 5 and younger are more likely to say they have dedicated college savings accounts than parents of children in high school.

