Dear John,How are you doing?I am sorry that the contents of my previous email was not easy to understand for you.I was trying to ask you to upload YouTube the promotion video about HLCRIO151. When such a video is on YouTube, our company can utilise this for the promotion purposes.We could confirm the image video, but it will be even better if there is a video that explains about the product actually used.Please inform to me when HLBKIO102 is ready for shipping. And please ship to us the other products as soon as possible.
Would you send me a invoice of the merchandise that we ordered a few days ago? Since a quantity and the total amount of the merchandise that were delivered to our international shipper are not matched with the ones we ordered, the merchandise are still in USA.We would like to ship them to Japan ASAP, so please email me the revised invoice for our international shipper to confirm a quantity and revise the total amount.Thank you very much for your cooperation.
ノギスは、英語で、Vernier Callipersという。 バーニヤは、「副尺」の意味で、カリパスとは、 辞書によると測径両脚器(2本の足を持った測定器という意味か?)とあり、いわゆる「Compasses」のほぼ同意語にあたる。 バーニヤは、フランス人のP.Vernierによって1631年に発明され、発明者の名を取って、「バーニヤ」と名付けられた。その後、ドイツから日本に輸入され、この測定具を「ノニス」と呼ぶようになり、言いにくさから訛って「ノギス」となったようです。
Nonius (Nogisu in Japanese) called Vernier Calipers in English.According to a dictionary, ‘Vernier’ means a secondary scale, and ‘Calipers’ means a diameter-measuring instrument with a pair legs, (It may mean a measuring instrument, consisting of two legs?) and ‘Calipers’ is almost a synonymous word of so called ‘Compasses’.The French man, P Vernier, invented vernier in 1631. And the instrument was called ‘Vernier’ after his name. Thereafter, the instrument was imported to Japan from German and called ‘Nonius’, but it seems mispronounced to ‘Nogisu’ because of its hard pronunciation.
Please respond to my email last time. I attached the image of spec 00, so please confirm.The defective merchandise (product) are as follows.Thank you very much for your correspondence.We really hope that 00 is recognised as the high quality brand in Japanese market and we believe 00 is the brand which meets such expectation.I have no intention to say anything insolent to you, but I felt relieved that your email this time includes the contents showing your intention of the improvements.We are seriously thinking about this brand and we really hope we can improve to the better direction based on the trust between you and us.