申し訳ありません。間違えて速達ではなく通常配送で送ってしまいました。商品は恐らく1週間以内に到着すると思いますので今しばらくお待ちください。私たちはあなたに返金を行いました。A-to-z Guarantee Claimsを取り下げてもらえないでしょうか?これは私たちがAmazonで販売していく上で大変大きな影響を与えます。今後Amazonで販売できなくなる可能性もありますので、申し訳ありませんがよろしくお願いいたします。
We sincerely apologize. The package was mistakenly sent via normal delivery rather than special delivery. Your order should arrive within a week, so until then we ask you to please be patient.We have refunded your money. Would it be at all possible for you to withdraw your A-to-Z Guarantee Claim against us? If not, this would have a terribly large impact on the business we conduct through Amazon. There's even a possibility that we would no longer be able to sell on Amazon. For this reason we would greatly appreciate your cooperation, although we cannot apologize enough for our mistake.
After the graduation ceremony on the final Friday of the program, there will be a reflection session on the second floor orientation room for about 30-60 minutes. Make sure to attend as we will be handing out your passports that we have collected as well as room check-out confirmation sheets.If you have any furnishings that you will no longer need upon returning to your home country, we will be accepting them every Friday evening at the first floor reception desk. Either the school itself or future students that enroll will re-use them. Please be sure to confirm that you have filled out everything on the check-out confirmation check (received after the graduation ceremony).Please vacate your room by 12 o'clock noon on the day after graduation (Saturday).