被写界深度指標の動作 正常巻き上げ&シャッターチャージ 正常フォーカシング 正常ファインダー 使用による若干の汚れの付着やキズはありますが、構図決めに問題はありません。また、水準器を映すプリズムに小さな欠けがありますが、水準器は問題なく見えますマガジン着脱 正常レンズは、若干の汚れの付着、拭きキズ程度はあるかと思いますが、気になるほどではありませんシャッターのみ確認しました。動作未確認になりますのでメンテナンス前提でご入札ください。レンズは塗膜剥げのようなものがあります。
The depth of field: normalHoisting & shutter charge: normalFocusing: normalFinder: There's no problems in determining composition though it has small stains and scratches. Also the level is visible though there's a small crack of its prism.Insertion or pulling the magazine: normal The Lenses have small stains and scratches of wiping. However it is not so concerned about. There's a small peeling of coating on Lenses. Please bid on condition to need to maintenance it by yourself, as I confirmed only shutter.
I am going to buy 100 ㎡ tiles for both interior and exterior.Interior one will be used in a wooden house with a floor made of 28mm plywood.I have the questions below and would appreciate it if you answer them.1. Is there a risk to break a tile on such as ground except for concrete one? 2. I think you should use 300mm×300mm tile to make itself strong, I would like to know what you think about that.3. How much different is the size of each tile?4. Would you possibly make a few 12 mm tiles?Thank you.
私は、日本から御社の商品を注文している。そして、日本への輸送を委託しているNew Jerseyの運送会社へ、商品を配送してもらっている。昨日、受取人となるNJにいるスタッフから、外箱が破損していたので荷物の受取を辞退したと連絡を受けた。トラッキングナンバーを調べると荷物は既に御社に返送済みとなっている。この荷物を確認して頂き、中身の商品に問題がなければ再度送ってもらえますか?刺繍入りのものなので、この商品をそのまま送って欲しいです。よろしくです。
The product I ordered from your company in Japan was delivered to the shipping company in New Jersey, but the staff received my product told me that its case was broken, so he could not receive it.I used the track service and find my product has already been returned to your company.If the thing inside the box is not broken, can you deliver that again, please?