ダイアモンド (blackdiamond) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
blackdiamond 英語 → 日本語

His servants were interrogated under torture by his father, and they revealed the whole plot, how he also intended to kill his step-mother and his other brothers and the children of the dead youths, so that no other heir to the throne would be left. He had even set in motion some crimes against the household of Caesar, far greater than his offences against his own family.
After Varus, the governor of Syria, and the other Roman officials had arrived, Herodes summoned the sanhedrin to judge his son. As evidence, he provided the poison and the confession of the tortured servants and some letters from Rome. The king appointed Nicolaus to manage the trial.



blackdiamond 英語 → 日本語

We currently don't have anymore of this item in-stock. We do get new items in all the time however, so it is worth checking back with us regularly.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

We are happy to inform you that your order has been sent to our warehouse for shipping. If you receive this email after business hours, please know that this process is automated and completes overnight. All orders, including Pre-Orders, are assigned tracking numbers that become active once scanned by the designated postal carrier. If there are any complications with your order, we will notify you during business hours via your email address or eBay user ID inbox used for the purchase.





blackdiamond 英語 → 日本語

Xiachufang has been known for its achievement in providing a space for passionate amateur cooks to have a voice. A community that enlists cooking talents, Xiachufang claims it prioritizes fostering social value over maximizing profits. Its move into e-commerce carries on the zeitgeist, aiming to make people more aware of the environmental factors underlying their everyday food consumption. To that end, Youdiantian will work to help independent, small-time farms reach more consumers. Xaichufang takes commissions from transactions, but CEO Wang Xu claims that the main source for revenue in the long run will most likely be ads.


料理の才能に助けを得るコミュニティは、その利益が最大になる中で社会的価値を育てることを優先するとXiachufangは述べている。そのeコマースへの動きは、時代精神を引き継ぎ、人々を日常的な摂食量の基礎をなしている環境要因にもっと気づかせるようすることを狙っている。そのために、Youdiantianは、独立したとるに足らない農場が、より多くの消費者に近づくのを手助けすることに取り組むつもりだ。Xaichufangは取引手数料を取るが、主な収益源は長い目で見れおそらく広告だろうとCEOのWang Xu氏は述べる。

blackdiamond 英語 → 日本語

Note: that is two underscores, followed by the five characters "proto", followed by two more underscores.
When an object is created, its __proto__ property is set to reference the same object as its internal [[Prototype]] (i.e. its constructor's prototype object). Assigning a new value to __proto__ also changes the value of the internal [[Prototype]] property, except where the object is non–extensible.

To understand how prototypes are used for inheritance, see the MDN article Inheritance and the prototype chain.

In the following, a new instance of Employee is created, then tested to show that its __proto__ is the same object as its constructor's prototype.


注意: まずアンダースコアが2つ、その後に"proco"の5文字が続き、さらにアンダースコアが2つ続きます。
オブジェクトが作られると、その __proto__ プロパティが、その内部[[Prototype]](すなわち、その コンストラクターのプロトタイプオブジェクト)として同じオブジェクトを参照するように設定されます。 __proto__ に新しい変数が割り当てられると、オブジェクトが拡張不可能な場合を除き、内部[[Prototype]]のプロパティの値も変わります。


続いて、Employeeの新しいインスタンスが作成され、その __proto__ がコンストラクターズプロトタイプとして同じオブジェクトであることがテストで示されます。

blackdiamond 英語 → 日本語

An Object's __proto__ property references the same object as its internal [[Prototype]] (often referred to as "the prototype"), which may be an object or, as in the default case of Object.prototype.__proto__, null . This property is an abstraction error, because a property with the same name, but some other value, could be defined on the object too. If there is a need to reference an object's prototype, the preferred method is to use Object.getPrototypeOf.
A __proto__ pseudo property has been included in §B.3.1 of the draft ECMAScript ed. 6 specification (note that the specification codifies what is already in implementations and what websites may currently rely on).


オブジェクトの__proto__プロパティは、その内部[[Prototype]] (よく"プロトタイプ"と言われます)として同じオブジェクトを参照します。それは、オブジェクトまたは,オブジェクトプロトタイプ__proto__のデフォルトとして、ヌルとなる場合があります。プロパティが同じ名称を保つため、このプロパティは抽象化エラーになりますが、他のいくつかの値は、オブジェクト上で定義することもできます。オブジェクトのプロパティを参照する必要が生じた場合は、優先メソッドがObject.getPrototypeOfを使用します。
__proto__ 偽プロパティは、ECMAScriptedドラフト第6版の仕様書の§B.3.1に含まれています(ただし、この仕様書はどれが既に実施されていて、どのウェブサイトが現在信頼できるかを体系化したものです)。

blackdiamond 英語 → 日本語

7. Shoop!

Shoop! is a web and mobile based app, which helps users sell their products to various online shops and marketplaces at the same time. Shoop! is integrated with more than fifteen platforms such as Kaskus, TokoBagus, and BukaLapak to mention a few. Shoop! got the second place of the best graduates on this batch.

8. WarmGreet

WarmGreet is an online platform that helps increase the users’ engagement and loyalty towards brands. WarmGreet provides some features that allow users to earn virtual points, which can later be redeemed for product discounts and other benefits. Virtual points can be collected by promoting the brands such as tweeting or recommending brands to friends.




8. WarmGreet


blackdiamond 英語 → 日本語

SNS Web Douban Launched Social Shopping Service Dongxi

Douban, a leading Chinese social network website, released today a social shopping channel named Dongxi. The service is only available for invited members now, but it will open up to everyone in mid-October (report in Chinese).

Users can browse, comment and share various products, such as consumer electronics, cosmetics, foods and garments, on the dedicated platform. Users who want to purchase a certain product will be redirected to other e-commerce platforms, including Taobao, Tmall, JD, Yihaodian, Amazon, Etsy, etc. Douban planned to monetize the service by collecting commissions from cooperation ecommerce platforms.


SNS Web Doubanソーシャル・ショッピング・サービスDongxiをローンチ


ユーザは専用のプラットフォーム上で、閲覧、コメントのほか、家電品、化粧品、食品、衣類等の様々な製品を共有することができる。商品を購入したいユーザは、Taobao, Tmall、JD, Yihaodian、Amazon, Etsy等を含む他のeコマースのプラットフォームに変更することもできる。Doubanは、提携のeコマースプラットフォームから手数料を取ることで、このサービスの収益化を計画していた。

blackdiamond 英語 → 日本語

App Annie Secured $15 million Series C Funding Led by Sequoia

Beijing-based mobile app analytics service App Annie today announced $15 million Series C funding led by Sequoia Capital’s US fund and joined by existing investors IDG Capital Partners, Greycroft Partners, e.Ventures, and Infinity Venture Partners.

Funds from the round will be used to accelerate App Annie’s product development, grow its sales and marketing headquarters in San Francisco and expand its global offices across Asia and Europe, according to the company. Tim Lee, Partner at Sequoia Capital’s Silicon Valley office and Alan Gould, CEO of uSamp will join App Annie’s Board of Directors.


App Annie、Sequoia率いる1500万米ドルのシリーズC資金調達を確保

北京に拠点を置くモバイルアプリ解析サービスのApp Annieは本日、Sequoia Capitalの米国ファンド率いる1500万米ドルのシリーズC資金調達を発表し、既存の投資家、IDG、Capital Partners、Greycroft Partners、e.Ventures、そしてInfinity Venture Partnersが参加した。

同社によると、ラウンドからの資金は、App Annieの製品開発の加速、同社のサンフランシスコの販売およびマーケティング本部の拡大、さらにアジアおよびヨーロッパにわたるグローバルオフィスの拡張に使用されるという。Sequoia CapitalのシリコンバレーオフィスにおけるパートナーTim Lee氏、およびuSampの最高経営責任者(CEO)のAlan Gould氏がApp Annieの取締役会に加わる予定だ。