追加でのメール失礼します。今後の対応について、何か少しでもお力になれないかと思いご連絡差し上げました。確認させていただき、在庫があればFender Japanの同じスペック、スケールのネックをこちらで手配し、LAにある工房でネックを取り替える作業をさせていただくことも可能ですがいかがでしょうか?もちろんネック変更にかかる工賃、ネック代、送料は全てこちらで負担させていただきますのでご安心下さい。お忙しい中ご足労お掛けしますがご検討の程宜しくお願い致します。
I'm sorry for the additional email.I wrote today because I feel that there is something I can help with for future proceedings.We can check, and if there is stock of the neck with the same spec and scale, we can change the neck in LA. Of course, we will take care of the cost of changing the neck as well as the cost of the neck itself and any shipping costs.Please advise accordingly.
In June, Pacifico Yokohama did a mock experiment leading to the first implementation of the"smartphone app that will make exhibition experiences more convenient" in a national MICE facility.Pacifico Yokohama hosts the most international conferences in the country, and has a large number of foreign visitors. In order for them to have a satisfying experience, they currently are improving their digital network environment by providing free WIFI. In addition to this, they are working on developing this smartphone app to support the organizer, exhibitors, and visitors.
私達は今リリースしているアプリのバージョンにおいて,全ユーザーに影響する可能性のある重大な不具合を発見しました.それは,iOS SDKのバグに起因するもので(Bug Report No: XX),アプリがフリーズし,使用不可能になるものです.現在,私たちのサポートデスクには大量の不具合報告が届いており,いち早く事態を収拾したいと考えています.今回の修正により,そのバグを回避することができたので,早くお客様にお届けしたいです.
We have found a problem that may affect all users using the released version of the app.It is a bug in the iOS SDK (Bug Report No: XX) which freezes the app and makes it unusable. Our support desk has received a huge number of reports and am would like to have it fixed urgently.We have been able to find a solution to work around the bug with our fix release, and wanted our customers to be the first to know.
To whomever it may concern,I am planning on purchasing 100 of one the items listed below.Could you tell me the number of each items you have in stock?Will it be possible to purchase 100?If you don't have 100 of any of these items in stock, can you let me know when there will be 100 of each stock?Thank you for your cooperation.
I think I can make some time after the event on June 28th or during the event on the 29th.Please let me know a day and time convenient to you.We are planning on arriving to London at 23:00 on June 27th and leaving on an 8:00 flight on June 30th.Please check LinkedIn for Sato-san's CV.The slides for the presentation at the event on June 28th is currently in the making.They will be shared as soon as they are completed.