MORI Amane (arbaro73) 翻訳実績

約9年前 女性 20代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 エスペラント語
arbaro73 英語 → 日本語

Greenopia builds internet-enabled urban gardening products. Its key offering is an internet-enabled smart pot for urban gardening. The pot, called Greenopia, has sensors that can tell if the soil conditions are right, and the plant in the pot is wilting. All this information can be remotely accessed using a mobile application, allowing users to monitor their plants.

“The app acts as a personal gardening assistant and suggests ways to maintain a healthy plant. It will also have a community feature to help users share their pictures and experiences with other users on the platform. The smart pot will also be a self-watering pot,” says Mayukhini Pande, co-founder and head of research, Greenopia.


「このアプリは専属の園芸アシスタントのように働き、植物を元気な状態に保つための方法を示唆してくれます。そして、利用者がプラットフォーム上で写真や出来事を他のユーザーと共有できるようなコミュニティ機能もあります。また、この植木鉢は自動的に水をあげる植木鉢でもあるのです」そう語るのはGreenopiaの共同設立者の一人であり研究のリーダー、Mayukhini Pande氏だ。

arbaro73 英語 → 日本語

“The money raised would be invested for manufacturing the smart pots, developing the mobile application and delivering it to our investors,” says Pande. Greenopia is planning to raise more funding in the near future. It is currently focused on keeping its crowdfunding promise.

Talking about Greenopia’s competitors, she says, “There are a number of IoT products in gardening such as Parrot Flower Power. Greenopia is different from them in user experience. It also stands apart in the way it combines the well-designed containers with a mobile application to form a complete kit for most critical gardening pain points.”


Greenopiaの競合について彼女はこう言う。「Parrot Flower Powerといったガーデニングに関するIoT製品はたくさんありますが、Greenopiaはユーザーエクスペリエンスの点でそれらとは違っています。素敵にデザインされた植木鉢とモバイルアプリを融合させ、最も重大なガーデニングの弱点を克服するために完璧な一揃いの道具を作り出すやり方において、まったく異なったものなのです」