Thank you for contacting us.We have understood that you cannot receive your package due to your absence.It is our policy not to leave an express package at the front door as a precaution against theft.I recommend you to contact the post office and ask it to keep the package for the time being and deliver it to you again later.the phone number of the post office we found: ☓☓Even if the package is sent back to us, we will send it to you again, so please be assured.
この度は数ある商品の中からお選びいただきありがとうございました大変素敵な商品ですので自信を持っておすすめしますもし無事に到着しましたらご感想をいただけると嬉しいです到着を楽しみにしていてください以前〜〜を購入していただいた-- です。その後~~の使い心地はいかがでしょうか?何かお困りの事がございましたら是非気軽にいってくださいねその後何か探している商品はありませんか?もし探しているものがあれば、本当に良いものを日本中から見つけて参ります。是非何でも言ってください。
Thank you very much for purchasing our commodity among many other items.I will appreciate it if you give us your impression about the item after it reaches you.I hope you will look forward to arrival of the item.Hello. We are -- that sold ~~ to you before.How do you find your ~~If you have any question about ~~, please don't hesitate to contact us.Is there any item you are looking for now?If there is, please don't hesitate to tell us. We are willing to help you find the best commodities you want.