Please make ●● and boxes same.So I’m ordering just one.Instead, could you refund the amount on ●●?If I change the volume of ●● to one, could you refund the amount paid more?I need ●● and box same with it, which have not used ever.Please make ●● and boxes same.So I’m ordering just one.And the product shipped is new one?Please let me know.
In level III, all cutaneous layers are dead, which can be acknowledged by pinching dorsum of hand. And if half of layers are dead, it means you are level III. Bedsore level II can be cured without virus infection, however level III requires more significant care against infectious disease. With using wrap magic-results are varied depending person- it takes 1 week to cure level I, 2 weeks level II, and 3 weeks level III. But in case of level IV, it is needed more time to cure perfectly.
呼称の一つとして、WrapTherapy™(登録番号5524891)を商標登録しました。ラップ療法の普及が目的です。ラップ療法の趣旨を正しく理解し、ご自由にお使いください。2. 褥創の分類褥創は、深さによってⅠ度からⅣ度に分類されます(NPUAP/EPUAP分類)。もっと細かい分類法もあります。複雑に見える褥創の分類法ですが、浅い褥創(Ⅰ度Ⅱ度)と深い褥創(Ⅲ度Ⅳ度)に分けて考えると理解しやすくなります。
WrapTherapy™(Registration No.: 5524891) has been registered as a trade mark. Its goal is to distribute wrap magic to the many. I wish people understand its mission and use it freely.2. Type of bedsoreAccording depth of bedsore, it can be classified from I level to IV level (NPUAP/EPUAP classification). In other measurement, it is possible to classify more variously. If this classification causes confusion in understanding, just regard it as simple bedsore(I, II level) and serious bedsore(III, IV level).
‘Just attach it, and you are cured!’ It’s the appraisal to our wrap magic from people. Since 2000, wrap magic has been distributed to medical facilities for syndrom and in-house medical treatment centers.Wrap magic can be applied if you are able to diagnose your bedsore, however it is basic and natural to see a doctor and take proper treatment against infection. If you are a physician for a family or the old, don’t miss the time to instruct family members and nurses as well as to cure.
I’m going to ski at Nagano. Could you suggest proper accommodations? Hotels around ski resort don’t have available rooms, so that I cannot reserve. It’s okay facilities are not close to the resort, please let me know somewhere convenient. In addition, it’d be great to inform me of downtowns where have tourist facilities such as restaurants around the ski resort.
オーダーした商品と受け取った商品の個数が異なる件ご担当者様こんにちは。11月28日に、私は以下の商品を購入しました。Item A 2個本日、私は以下の商品を受けとりました。Item A 1個私がオーダーした商品と受取った商品の個数が異なります。この場合、私はどのような手続きをとればよいのですか?私に教えてください。
Subject: Wrong amount of products Dear, sir.I have an inquiry regarding my order.I have ordered on November 28 written as below;Item A - 2eaBut today I just received a product as below;Item A - 1eaI think you made a mistake on delivery.What should I do in this case?
こんにちは。私は日本に住んでいます。会社を経営していますが、今、アシスタントサービスを探していてあなたの会社のサービスを利用したいと思っています。ここでいくつか質問があります。1.トライアルプランはありますか?(あれば条件を教えて下さい。)2.各料金プランを教えてください。3.サービスを利用した時に、私の情報はどのように保護されますか?4.日本語対応はしていますか?(なければ大丈夫です。) 個人情報をどう扱うか、心配なので、セキュリティに対して教えて下さい。
Hello.I’m residing in Japan. As a manager of business, I was looking for proper assistant service. At last I found your service and want to use. Please answer me inquiries written as below;1. Could you provide a trial plan (if so, please let me know conditions)?2. Could you inform me of rate of each plan?3. What methods will be applied while I’m using service?4. Could you provide Japanese version(unless, it doesn't matter)?My main concern is how to handle with private information, please let me know the details of security system.
I want to extract explanation by clicking each link shown as below. But it says it failed to extract. Could I ask you a favor(except page 1)? Methinks, there is a problem on pagination setting.This page is not shown when you are not signed in as user. Please use free mail address if you need. I wait for your reply and help. Thanks.
I have enough volume of razor blade collected for 5 years.But the further times goes, the more difficult to purchase old blades, meanwhile the scarcity value can arise.All wares that I am coping with are genuine. And there are various types of Iwasaki’s blazes.If you have some concerns on it, I recommend you to cancel your order.Other products will be released soon, which can be the best time to purchase. You can find some rust on blaze, however it doesn’t mean unavailable.Please refer to the attached images.
Your request has been checked. But I cannot provide any reply on it.Because it is a general concept to use products purchased in Japan in the territory of Japan. We have sold and delivered cameras manufactured in Japan to Europe so far, but haven’t received this claim ever. In this reason we decided not to apologize and refund.Thanks.
So relaxing tea time! It’s been a long time. Sometimes it’s really needed. These days, I met and parted from various persons. Through these experiences, I realized the ground of my existence - good people. I sincerely feel grateful to them. Of course, I’m not good at cherishing them. For this, in advance I have to get stronger. I will temper myself and protect my precious.