翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 51 / 1 Review / 2019/04/21 12:39:26

sofiya 51 誠心誠意働きますのでよろしくお願い致します

Thank you for letting us know and I apologize for the partial delivery. I've checked with the shipper (Amazon) and, unfortunately, part of the order was damaged during shipping so we will need to process an order to replace the damaged books. I will let you know by tomorrow the estimated delivery date for the replacement books.

For your previous order, the shipper also reported that part of the shipment was damaged (Japanese From Zero! 1) but then they delivered the books to you in good condition. Because they said the books were undeliverable, due to damage, we ordered replacements and that is why you received two shipments of Japanese From Zero! 1 last time.



以前のオーダーについてですが、運送業者が一部の商品(Japanese From Zero! 1) にダメージがありましたが、それをお客様に届けてしまいました。
そこで此方が交換商品を再注文したところ、Japanese From Zero! 1 を2回お届けしてしまったという次第です。

レビュー ( 1 )

helter 53 More than 10-year experience in trans...
helterはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2019/05/07 09:33:08


sofiya sofiya 2019/05/13 00:00:11

