翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2015/03/06 15:59:49






Thank you very much for your contact.

We apologize for causing your concerns and troubles for products not having been delivered yet even after one month from your order.
As for the product, we have already shipped it on 3/Feb.

Please kindly contact your nearest post office if there is any packs for you. There is a possibility that the pack is kept at post office due to your absence when it was delivered.
Could you kindly let us know again in case you couldn't find it at post office as well?

レビュー ( 1 )

yxn667 52 Conyacでの翻訳経歴(2014年10月登録): Standard依頼...
yxn667はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2015/03/10 00:06:32

Thank you very much for your contact.

We apologize for causing your concerns and troubles for products not having been delivered yet even after one month from your order.
As for the product, we have already shipped it on 3/Feb.

Please kindly contact your nearest post office if there is any packs for you. There is a possibility that the pack is kept at post office due to your absence when it was delivered.
Could you kindly let us know again in case you couldn't find it at post office as well?

Thank you very much for your contact.

We apologize for causing your concerns and troubles for products not having been delivered yet even after one month from your order.
As for the product, we have already shipped it on February 3rd.

Please kindly contact your nearest post office if there is any packages for you. There is a possibility that the package is kept at the post office due to your absence when it was delivered.
Could you kindly let us know again in case you couldn't find it at the post office again?
