翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2014/08/09 10:06:59

pouncingant 52 I have been working as a freelance tr...




This is not a "bot", rather it is a functionality that lets users easily tweet pre-registered tweets as required, by choosing periodic notifications and expressions at just the touch of the "send" button.

For the backup of this "tweet data", the Dropbox upload API is used. (text files and image files are saved)
Also, to import "tweet data" the Dropbox download API is used. (refer to text files and image files)

レビュー ( 1 )

tearz 50 翻訳経験豊富です。 過去の実績や評価などご確認ください。 ご連絡お待ち...
tearzはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/08/10 10:19:49

This is not a "bot", rather it is a functionality that lets users easily tweet pre-registered tweets as required, by choosing periodic notifications and expressions at just the touch of the "send" button.

For the backup of this "tweet data", the Dropbox upload API is used. (text files and image files are saved)
Also, to import "tweet data" the Dropbox download API is used. (refer to text files and image files)

This is not so-called a "bot", rather it is a functionality that lets users easily tweet pre-registered tweets as required, by choosing periodic notifications and expressions at just the touch of the "send" button.

For the backup of this "tweet data", the Dropbox upload API is used (text files and image files are saved).
Also, to import "tweet data" the Dropbox download API is used (text files and image files are referred).



pouncingant pouncingant 2014/08/10 10:31:20

修正頂いてありがとうございます!小さなことなんですが、Tearさんに参考になるかもしれないと思いますので、「so-called」は「a」の後に来る方は自然に聞こうえます。なぜなら、「so-called bot」の全体が冠詞になります。これからもよろしくお願いします。

tearz tearz 2014/08/10 10:37:20

すみません、位置を間違えましたね。Profile拝見しました。I used to live in the capital of Hants. Southamptonちょっと懐かしくなりました。

pouncingant pouncingant 2014/08/10 10:44:49

ネイティブでも時々順番を間違うことがありますので、気にしないでください。Yes, Southampton was nice. Did you live there long? Not so much to do, but a good place to catch a train to somewhere interesting. By the way, is it OK to converse on the comments section?

tearz tearz 2014/08/10 11:49:13

I don't think it is a problem, but I try to keep it minimal respecting the purpose of this space it serves. Or you may post in the Knowledge Room, if you like.
