翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2014/08/08 15:37:34

shouryou 52 Hello, I am a native English and Chin...

連絡が遅くなり申し訳ありません。 先週から今週末にかけて2つの台風が日本を通過しています。 船会社によると、その台風の影響で先週から船積みのスケジュールが大幅に乱れています。 今日から明後日にかけて2つ目の台風が日本を通過しますので、台風通過後、順次船積み、出港していくそうです。 また、今のところ大きな災害を残すような大型台風ではないと予報されていますのでこれ以上の乱れはありません。


I am sorry for the late reply.
From last week to this weekend 2 typhoons would be passing through Japan.
From the ship company, due to the typhoons since last week the shipment schedule had all gone haywire. As the 2nd typhoon would be passing through Japan from today to the day after tomorrow, the departure would be as per the shipment schedule after the typhoons passing.
There would not be typhoons great enough to cause major disasters, therefore, no more disruptions would occur to the shipment as reported.
New information would be coming in on Monday from the ship company..
For your kind understanding for the inconveniences caused.

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備考: 船積み遅れのお詫び