翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 54 / 1 Review / 2014/06/09 18:58:20

sac_o 54

・好きなプランを選んで Continue to next step を押してみよう

All Gone! というのはサポート人数を限定されたプランで既に定員に達した物です、なので選べません。


- Choose your favorite plan and click "Continue to next step"

You cannot choose "All Gone!" because it's the plan which restricts the number of people and already full.

The plan of $14: 3 wires and wire stripping gauge
of $23: 9 wires and wire stripping gauge
of $39: wire stripping gauge and wire stripper
of $59: 9 wires, wire stripping gauge, and wire stripper

レビュー ( 1 )

katjen 59
katjenはこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/06/10 11:40:10

- Choose your favorite plan and click "Continue to next step"

You cannot choose "All Gone!" because it's the plan which restricts the number of people and already full.

The plan of $14: 3 wires and wire stripping gauge
of $23: 9 wires and wire stripping gauge
of $39: wire stripping gauge and wire stripper
of $59: 9 wires, wire stripping gauge, and wire stripper

- Choose your favorite plan and click "Continue to next step"

You cannot choose "All Gone!" because it's the plan which restricts the number of people and is already full.

Contents for each plan are...
$14 Plan: 3 wires and wire stripping gauge
$23 Plan: 9 wires and wire stripping gauge
$39 Plan: wire stripping gauge and wire stripper
$59 Plan: 9 wires, wire stripping gauge, and wire stripper

sac_o sac_o 2014/06/10 12:55:32


備考: いくつかの文章を箇条書きにしてあります。