翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 63 / 1 Review / 2014/04/08 09:01:47





The guitar has already been shipped by a company outside Japan to Japan Post.

The price indicated on the invoice is *yen (US$*).
This is the minimum price which can be reimbursed in case of an accident.
If lower, you wouldn't be able to receive reimbursement.
In addition, it is against eBay and our policy to write a price that is too low.
Thank you for your understanding.

レビュー ( 1 )

14pon 60 こんにちは こちらで始めて、ちょうど1年経ちました 英語学習履...
14ponはこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2014/04/08 12:39:03

The guitar has already been shipped by a company outside Japan to Japan Post.

The price indicated on the invoice is *yen (US$*).
This is the minimum price which can be reimbursed in case of an accident.
If lower, you wouldn't be able to receive reimbursement.
In addition, it is against eBay and our policy to write a price that is too low.
Thank you for your understanding.

The guitar has already been shipped by a forwarding company to Japan Post.

The price indicated on the invoice is *yen (US$*).
This is the minimum price necessary to cover the damage in case of an accident.
If lower, you wouldn't be able to receive enough reimbursement.
In addition, it is against eBay and our policies to write a price that is too low.
Thank you for your understanding.


This is the minimum price which can be reimbursed in case of an accident. ← これですと、返ってくるお金の最低限、つまり、書いた金額以上返ってくることが期待されているわけです。逆になります。

If lower, you wouldn't be able to receive reimbursement. ← これですと、お金はまったく返ってこないですね。
