翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2014/03/21 10:59:32

sujiko 50 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...




You need a sticker to use parking lot for bicycle.
Please fill out application form and submit it to office.
Upon payment at convenience store is confirmed, we will give you new sticker where
limit of use is listed.

The area where you can park your bicycle is next to roofless place where garbage is put.
Period when you can use

If you stop using the parking lot for bicycle, we don't refund you.
We start to remove bicycles without sticker from April 1, and please apply as soon as possible.
Please take a preventive measure by yourself to avoid that your bicycle is stolen .
We are not responsible for management and stealing,etc. of bicycles at all.

レビュー ( 1 )

tani1973 50 I spare no effort to offer quality tr...
tani1973はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/03/21 12:59:15

You need a sticker to use parking lot for bicycle.
Please fill out application form and submit it to office.
Upon payment at convenience store is confirmed, we will give you new sticker where
limit of use is listed.

The area where you can park your bicycle is next to roofless place where garbage is put.
Period when you can use

If you stop using the parking lot for bicycle, we don't refund you.
We start to remove bicycles without sticker from April 1, and please apply as soon as possible.
Please take a preventive measure by yourself to avoid that your bicycle is stolen .
We are not responsible for management and stealing,etc. of bicycles at all.

You need the sticker to use the parking lot for bicycles.
Please fill out the application form and submit it to our office.
After payment at a convenience store is confirmed, we will give you a new sticker where its expiry date is listed.

The area where you can park your bicycle is next to the roofless garbage collection site.
Valid term

Even if you stop using the parking lot for bicycles, we don't refund you.
We start to remove bicycles without stickers from April 1, and please apply for it as soon as possible.
Please take a preventive measure by yourself to avoid your bicycle being stolen.
We don't take any responsiblities for problems with storage of bicycles including theft.
