翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 54 / 1 Review / 2013/11/21 21:10:23


心的外傷には先生の助けが必要です。両親の離別に対する子どもの思いは複雑で、友達にはとても相談で きません。先生が日頃から子どもの悩みを聞き、助言すれば子どもも頑張れるはず。宿題を出さなくなった、反抗的な態度になった、などの変化があれば親に知 らせ、先生と親が一緒に手を組んで乗り越えていくのです。


Teachers should help the student overcome emotional trauma. The child has very comlicating feeling about her parents' divorce, and she would never be able to talk about it with her friends. If teachers listen to their students' distress, and give her an advice, the student would be able to do her best. If the student stops submitting homowork, or gets aggresive, teachers should tell her parents, and deal with her problems with her parents. If they are suffering economically, they could also ask help to a government agency. If you get divorce, and you have children, you should be very careful for doing it, and ask help to as many people and organizations as possible in order to minimize children's trauma.

レビュー ( 1 )

jasmine_66はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2013/12/18 14:52:44

Teachers should help the student overcome emotional trauma. The child has very comlicating feeling about her parents' divorce, and she would never be able to talk about it with her friends. If teachers listen to their students' distress, and give her an advice, the student would be able to do her best. If the student stops submitting homowork, or gets aggresive, teachers should tell her parents, and deal with her problems with her parents. If they are suffering economically, they could also ask help to a government agency. If you get divorce, and you have children, you should be very careful for doing it, and ask help to as many people and organizations as possible in order to minimize children's trauma.

Teachers should help the student overcome emotional trauma. The child usually has very complicate feelings about her/his parents' divorce, and usually she/he won't be able to talk about it with her friends. If teachers could listen to the student's distress, and give her/him some advice, the student would be able to overcome it and get better. If the student started to stop submitting homework or started to get aggressive, teachers should contact the parents, and deal with the problems with the parents. If they are suffering economically, they could also ask a government agency for help. It is important to deal with a divorce carefully since the trauma it causes for a child is enormous and in order to minimize the negative effects of divorce on a child, it is also important to ask for help from many people and as well as some professional organizations.

備考: できるだけ長い文章にして下さい。お願いします。