翻訳者レビュー ( 中国語(繁体字) → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2013/04/11 01:31:25


: 高雄,如母親, 步步播種,吋吋疼惜,一路呵護, 給予養分,成長茁壯, 高雄,展開臂膀,納百川、迎世界,無所畏懼, 剛柔並濟, 在這裡,你可以揮灑夢想 ,
成就理想, 我們向下紮根, 也向外延展熱情 開放 多元, 敢說幸福, 敢找自由, 站在城市的肩膀,我們開拓宏觀視野, 揚起風帆,準備起航高雄,與你攜手共創未來, 2013年亞太城市高峰會


Kaohsiung, a mother to us all, the sower of our seeds, the bearer of our pains; she cares for us, and gives us what we need to grow, to become stronger.
Kaohsiung, open your arms! Greet the world like the ocean greets the rivers! Fearless and stern, but understanding. It is here that you can make your dreams happen, here that you can make the ideal real. From here we send our roots deep and our limbs broad, open, in a multitude of directions. We venture to speak of happiness, to seek our freedom. Standing on the shoulders of this city, we can see more broadly, more clearly, and from here we take flight to the future--together.
Let's build the future.
2013 Asia Pacific Cities Summit

レビュー ( 1 )

jasmine_66はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2013/10/03 14:26:08

make your dreams happen- make your dreams come true.
make the ideal real- turn the ideal into the reality.
we can see more broadly, more clearly- our horizons have been broadened.
we take flight to the future--together- we stand together and grow stronger to embrace the future.

備考: these should be short pretty sentences.