
Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 哲学や路上観察といった少し変わった自分の趣味を共有出来るコミュニティを学校の外で作ろうと考え、俳句を嗜む東京の友人と二人で、交互にそれぞれが自分の知り合い...

哲学や路上観察といった少し変わった自分の趣味を共有出来るコミュニティを学校の外で作ろうと考え、俳句を嗜む東京の友人と二人で、交互にそれぞれが自分の知り合いの中である特定の分野で一番だと考える人を集めてコミュニティを作った。僕が毎回東京を訪れる度にこのメンバーで集まって例会を開いている。毎回の例会では担当者が一人付き、その人が最も強い場所を回った後に、喫茶店に入り夜まで語り明かすという構成を提案した。 集まる頻度が少なく、誰もが他のメンバーが持っていない抜きん出た個性を一つ以上持っていることで、遠慮なくずけずけと自分の感情を発露できるこのコミュニティの取り組みは大成功であり、メンバーの一人一人が普段の日常生活を離れて自分の一番やりたいことをreflectionできる非常に親密度の高いコミュニティになった。今年に入って中心メンバーの一人で小説家志望の子が一人、この秘密結社の豊かな人間模様をストーリー化している途中である。このコミュニティを大人になっても大事にしたい。 東京の地理に詳しい友人の時は今はすでに開発された江戸時代の川の跡を古地図を見ながらたどり、レコード収集が趣味の友達の時は、都内のレコードショップを巡り皆で彼の薀蓄を聞いた。また、各人がメモを取りながら喋り、帰った後にGoogle driveに各々の視点から自分の意見を書き加えていくというシステムも作った。皆の異なった着眼点や背景知識により分野間で知識のシャッフルが行われるこの作業は知的好奇心の旺盛なメンバーに新しい視点を与えた。
kamitoki さんによる翻訳
I thought to make a community outside of school where I could share my own interests in philosophy and on-the-road observations which have slightly changed. With my friend from Tokyo who was into haiku poems, the two of us made a community, gathering whom we thought was the best in a field among our mutual acquaintances. Everytime I would visit Tokyo I would hold a regular meeting gathering these members. I proposed that we would organized as one person is put in charge in every meeting, and after that person goes around the strongest location, we would enter a cafe and talk until nighttime.
The frequency of the gatherings lessened, due to the fact that everyone had 1 or more outstanding idiosyncrasies that other members did not have, assembling this community where they could bluntly expose their feelings without hesitation was a huge success, and it became an extremely close-knit community where each and every single member could get away from their ordinary everyday lives and reflect on what they wanted to do the most. Entering this year, among the core members one wants to be a novelist and is in the middle of turning the plentiful web of human relationships in this secret society into a story. I want to cherish this community even when I am an adult.
During the time of my friend who was an expert in Tokyo's geography, we would follow the remains of a river from the Edo period which has already been developed while looking at an ancient map. During the time of my friend who collects records as a hobby, we would go around record shops in the city and everyone would listen to his extensive knowledge. We also made a system where each person would talk while taking notes, and after we went home we would add our own opinions fron our own viewpoints in Google Drive. This carried out a knowledge shuffle within the particular field based on everyone's differing object of focus and background knowledge, and it gave new points of view to our members full of intellectual curiousity.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
kamitoki kamitoki
JLPT Level 2 passer
JLPT Level 1 60%
Translated various Japanese-English do...