I have a knack for correcting English grammar!

$15.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 校正・ネイティブチェック
英語 タイ語 フランス語
I read reading a lot as one of my hobbies. I am an English language teacher where the accuracy of using English grammar is my focus.


英語 タイ語 フランス語
Hello, my name is Nual.
At the moment, I love transcribing English and translating from French into English. On top of this, I also give French grinds to secondary school students and also teaching English lessons online.
I am originally from Thailand but live in Ireland where I studied French for my Bachelor degree. I can speak Thai, English, French and Laotian. I love to do translation works with the first three languages.