Text double checking from a Portuguese native speaker

$5.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 校正・ネイティブチェック
英語 → ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル) ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル) → 英語 ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル)
I am a regular reader of newspapers, books, and frequently find grammar errors and misuse of Portuguese words, for example in newspapers and on TV. My wife is a native English speaker. Already worked internationally.
I have a BSc in Mechanics engineering and a MSc in Information Systems Management
I am a regular bilingual reader of newspapers, books, and frequently find grammar errors and misuse of Portuguese words, for example in newspapers and on TV. My wife is a native English speaker. Already worked internationally in English speaking environments and created several technical documentation in English.
I have a BSc in Mechanics engineering and a MSc in Information Systems Management
07:00AM-09:00AM JSP