I can help you transcribing a specifical document or archive or translating any text written in any of the languages I know.

$26.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → スペイン語 英語 → イタリア語 スペイン語 → 英語 スペイン語 → イタリア語 イタリア語 → スペイン語 イタリア語 → 英語 フランス語 → スペイン語 フランス語 → 英語 フランス語 → イタリア語
I try to be as accurate as possible not only regarding the original text or document but also regarding the intention and taking into account the subjects involved.


スペイン語 英語 イタリア語 フランス語
Architect with professional experience in design, creative direction, research, project viability, restoration, urbanism, coordination and construction of housing projects as well as commercial, institutional, and cultural and sports equipment projects, furniture design and productive processes, furniture quality control for exports, export processes, commercial relationships with national and international clients and suppliers, and administrative and staff selection processes. I have knowledge and training in design, construction, and urbanism methods and the history of architecture and art. I am creative, proactive, resourceful, a team player, with excellent interpersonal and leadership skills, who speaks proficiently several languages.
Spanish - Native
Italian – Almost native.
English – Advanced.
French – Intermediate.