Professional Tech tips and any kind of consulting about PC-s laptops or any kind of electronics

$8.00 / 1時間
Tech・プログラミング / 技術コンサルティング
英語 → セルビア語
If you really need a guy who can really help you are on the right place. I can help you fix any kind of elecronic thing than can be fixed over internet.
If you have any software issuses on your computer i can fix it by telling you what to do or you can download "Supremo" or "Team Viwer" and than i can control your pc an fix it.....Long story short message me with you problem.
I have a lot of experience in this kind of stuff, and there is no thing i cant fix
You can messege me any time you want, as soon as i see a message i will replay to you
My time zone is +1
