Narration for your chosen media

$35.00 / 1時間
画像・映像・音楽 / ナレーション
英語 → ドイツ語 ドイツ語 → 英語 ノルウェー語 → 英語
Considerate selection/translation of words
10:00 - 20:00 (GMT +0:00, London time)


ドイツ語 英語 ノルウェー語

I am a young, multilingual actress, living in London.
Growing up in Switzerland and speaking Swiss German, I learnt German ("Hochdeutsch", as we call it) from first grade on.
I was also born in Norway and therefore speak Norwegian fluently.

My experience includes Desktop Research and Translation in German and Swiss German and teaching German at a college in London.
Doing online translating provides me with flexible hours, allowing me to go to auditions and acting jobs.

I look forward to receiving your translation requests.