I specialize in literature translation

$25.00 / 1時間
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イタリア語 → 英語
I love writing as I am a journalist, I love learning as I’m a teacher and I love reading as I’m a good reader. But there’s another thing I love: translating.
I’m a journalist and I write on several magazines and newspapers. I’m the lead editor of an online newspaper, Punto a Capo Online, published by the non-profit organization where I work as a volunteer.
I worked for 10 years as Press Agent for an important Italian Trade Union, writing press releases, organizing press conferences and occasionally I still work for the above-mentioned non-profit organization Press Agency.
I teach English and French in an Informal Learning School and I like it very much. My students are adults who want to improve their language skills and there they can do it meeting new friends and having fun.
I teach Italian for Foreign people, too. Usually, I have English, Irish and American students, even if I’ve taught East Europe and Indian people, too.
I’ve studied 5 foreign languages first at school and later at the university: English, Spanish, French, German and Japanese. I’ve studied Chinese and Arabic, yet, but I never speak or use these two languages.
As well as literature and poetry translations, I work as English to Italian translator on touristic, marketing, legal, IT and web or software jobs.
I think Italian grammar is very important but I believe the literary style is important as well. The style is something you create reading, and in my life there is always a book to read on the nightstand.

That’s the reason why I write not only newspaper articles, but short stories, plays and sometimes poems. I’ve got many incomplete novels waiting for my attention and sooner or later I’ll take up my works again. That’s the reason why I hold conferences about Literature and Writing and every year they are attended by more and more people.
If you want to check some of my literary translations, you can visit my site http://www.francescamarrucci.com
or search for ‘Francesca Marrucci’ on Amazon.it or click on this link: goo.gl/P0zsbZ
My profile on ProZ.con can be viewed clicking this link: http://www.proz.com/profile/1951582
My linkedin profile: https://it.linkedin.com/pub/francesca-marrucci/a4/3a7/b49
My Babelcube profile: http://www.babelcube.com/user/francesca-marrucci
9.00-17.00 CET


イタリア語 (native) 英語 スペイン語
文学 ジャーナリズム 旅行・観光 ビジネス
14 時間 / 週
I love writing as I am a journalist, I love learning as I’m a teacher and I love reading as I’m a good reader. But there’s another thing I love: translating.

I’m a journalist and I write for several magazines and newspapers. I’m the lead editor of an online newspaper, Punto a Capo Online, published by the non-profit organization where I work as a volunteer.

I worked for 10 years as Press Agent for an important Italian Trade Union, writing press releases, organizing press conferences and occasionally I still work for the above-mentioned non-profit organization Press Agency.

I teach English and French in an Informal Learning School and I like it very much. My students are adults who want to improve their language skills and there they can do it meeting new friends and having fun.

I teach Italian for Foreign people, too. Usually, I have English, Irish and American students, even if I’ve taught East Europe and Indian people, too.

I’ve studied 5 foreign languages first at school and later at the university: English, Spanish, French, German and Japanese. I’ve studied Chinese and Arabic, yet, but I never speak or use these two languages.

As well as literature and poetry translations, I work as English to Italian translator on touristic, marketing, legal, IT and web or software jobs.

I think Italian grammar is very important but I believe the literary style is important as well. The style is something you create reading, and in my life there is always a book to read on the nightstand.

That’s the reason why I write not only newspaper articles, but short stories, plays and sometimes poems. I’ve got many incomplete novels waiting for my attention and sooner or later I’ll take up my works again. That’s the reason why I hold conferences about Literature and Writing and every year they are attended by more and more people.

WORKING TIME: 10.00-16.00 CET from Monday to Friday


Mi piace scrivere, visto che sono una giornalista, mi piace insegnare, visto che sono un’insegnante e amo leggere, perché sono una buona lettrice. Ma c’è un’altra cosa che amo: tradurre.

Sono una giornalista, scrivo su varie riviste e giornali. Sono il Direttore Editoriale di giornale online, Punto a Capo Online, pubblicato dall’associazione onlus che dirigo e din cui lavoro come volontaria.

Ho lavorato per 10 anni come Addetto Stampa per un importante sindacato italiano, scrivendo comunicati stampa, organizzando Conferenza Stampa e ogni tanto ancora lavoro nell’Ufficio Stampa della mia associazione.

Insegno Inglese e Francese in una Scuola Popolare Eda di istruzione informale e mi piace molto. I miei studenti sono adulti che vogliono imparare una nuova lingua o migliorare le loro conoscenze pregresse e ai nostri corsi possono anche conoscere nuovi amici e divertirsi.

Insegno anche Italiano per Stranieri. Di solito ho studenti Inglesi, Irlandesi ed Americani, anche se ho insegnato anche a studenti Indiani e dell’Europa dell’Est.

Ho studiato 5 lingue straniere prima a scuola e poi all’università: Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese, Tedesco e Giapponese. Ho studiato anche Cinese ed Arabo, ma purtroppo non parlo né uso mai queste due lingue.

Oltre alle traduzioni di Letteratura e Poesia, lavoro come traduttrice su lavori turistici, di marketing, legali, IT e riguardanti IT e software.

Penso che la Grammatica Italiana sia molto importante, così come lo stile letterario. lo stile è qualcosa che si crea leggendo e nella mia vita c’è sempre un libro da leggere sul comodino.

Per questo non mi limito a scrivere solo articoli, ma racconti, commedie e qualche volta poesie. Ho molti romanzi incompleti che mi aspettano nei cassetti e prima o poi vi rimetterò mano. È questa la ragione per cui tengo conferenze sulla Letteratura e sulla Scrittura e ogni anno intervengono sempre più persone.

ORARI DI LAVORO: 10.00-16.00 CET dal lunedì al venerdì