Data Entry, editing, matching data, crosscheck data.

$10.00 / 1時間
簡単作業・その他 / データ作成・編集
インドネシア語 英語
This is a service about data to entry, editing, matching, and crosscheck data in MS. Excel and Website.
I offer this service based on my skill to using MS. Excel and some experinces. Since college I have helped my lecturer to make data collection for research. Searching data on Internet, Entry data, and prossessing the data.
This service open on Monday-Saturday at 08:00 - 20:00 (GMT+7:00 Jakarta, Indonesia)


インドネシア語 英語
Hello, I'm a fulltime Freelancer. Since college I have been accustomed to typing tasks and entry data. Entry data of students, student grades, and attendance list in MS. Excel is the tasks I worked as a class leader for 3 years. At the end of my study I got a task to collect data ( to download the company's financial statements data, input to MS. Excel, classify data and calculate the data according to the formula used in the research). I have work experience as a financial administrator for 2 months (April-May 2019), who are tasked to input daily cash in/out data, inputting daily sales data, making petty cash reports and also making the offer letter of goods.