I translate from French to English or from English to French

$20.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
フランス語 → 英語 英語 → フランス語
I am an engineering student with a scientific background, I pay attention to detail in everything I do. I also went to a French School where they make you study the language in great detail. I am fully bilingual and capable of translating from language to another.
10 am to 9 pm GMT


フランス語 英語
I am 3rd year design engineering student currently on University placement as a research and development engineer for Robert Bosch aftermarket automotive solutions. I am originally French and 100 percent fluent in both French and English. I have french equivalent qualifications of the A levels. I also passed my English Language GCSE on top of my French education. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.