I am able to conduct JPN-ENG, ENG-JPN for your needs.

$15.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
日本語 → 英語 英語 → 日本語
I'll make sure to have the product in mind as I translate.
I do enjoy translating any job, but I like Japanese anime, games & manga, American comic book & games and popular trends since I have been the vice president of Anime Manga Society at UH Manoa (since 2012). I also enjoy playing games in both languages.
I have assisted local companies in the USA in translating for brochures, websites, e-mail and more for nonprofit.
I have assisted in interpreting in Business/marketing events hosted by the Japanese consulate for 2 years.
I will be assisting Hawaii's largest anime and comic convention 'Kawaii Kon' in March 2018 as Japanese guest relations.
Any day: Japan time 1pm-6pm

I am more flexible on Tuesdays and Fridays JP time (9am to 6pm)