I would lik to tke any job but technicl contents. Email, newsletters and articles about travel are good to me.

$5.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → 日本語 日本語 → 英語
I am available most of the time.
I used to use English to communicate with native translators through email when I was at a company.
Now I live in the States with American husband so I use English every day and he can check my English when I want to make sure.


日本語 英語
Hi, I'm Mitsuki.
I made an account as I want to start translation job.
I used to work at a company where provides translation, interpretation and web design services. I was a coordinator there.

My translation might not be perfect, but I appreciate if you give me a chance. I will do my best.