I prioritize translation work to meet deadlines on multiple translation projects

$4.00 / 1時間
簡単作業・その他 / その他
ベトナム語 → 英語 英語 → ベトナム語
I ensure the translation is easily understandable and accurate and make sure that the translated information conforms to the culture and linguistics of the target reader. Also, I edit any information in the translated text that may come across as incorrect or irrelevant and all translated material follows translation quality standards set by the company. And eventually, the translation will meet deadlines.
I have been working for the British Council Vietnam for almost 3 years and one of my job responsibilities is to be in charge of Translation work, including interpretation and translation from Vietnamese to English and the other way around. Having been a translator for years, there're several kinds of categories that I been working with, such as Naming, Branding, Video Text, Document Writing and almost all my translated information were about educational aspect.
20:00-23:00 (JST) Monday - Friday
13:00-19:00 (JST) Saturday and Sunday