I am a French native translator and I work from English and Italian to French. Tourism, marketing, fashion, arts, gastronomy are some of my specializations.

$20.00 / 1時間
簡単作業・その他 / その他
Standard 英語 → フランス語 イタリア語 → フランス語
I love words and languages in general. I love searching for the most appropriate word to formulate a good sentence; that's the reason why I choose to become a translator.
I am a English and Italian to French translator since 2003. My specialization areas are tourism, arts, gastronomy, marketing, education and newsletters. I have worked for several clients like hotels, travel agencies, "Deal of the Day" companies, restaurants, stores, public and cultural associations, etc. I usually translate websites, newsletters, hotel and restaurant listing, marketing texts.
08:00 - 17 :00 (CET) , Monday to Saturday


フランス語 (native) イタリア語 英語
Hello, I'm a French native translator since 2003. I currently live in Italy, near Florence, and I mostly translate touristic and marketing texts from English and Italian to French.