I am interested in translating from English into Vietnamese

$2.00 / 1時間
簡単作業・その他 / その他
To be honest, the translation is a bridge which connected not only two languages, but also culture, tradditional, lifestyles.... among countries and peoples in the world. And the translator play an important role who work out the this task. That is the reason I wish to be skillful and experienced translator, I would appreciate if my wish will come true
I have graduated from Hanoi Open University with Good bachelor degree, now I am going to complete Master’s Thesis in major of English Language. During the years of university, I have good skills of English and I also have translated many documents and materials from English into Vietnamese and vice versa.
I have also worked as a translator in New Ocean Company and some other plans. Besides that, I have proficiency in Microsoft Office software Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook. I believe that this position is suitable for me and it would be a great advantage if I have a chance to work in translating with you
13h30 - 17h00 Monday -Friday