Please let me help you translate your documents, of any type, from english, spanish and japanese into italian.

$9.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → イタリア語 スペイン語 → イタリア語 日本語 → イタリア語
I guarantee you to be punctual, meticoulus and precise on my work. I will work very hard to give you the best translation you can get.
I'm a graduated student with the highest score in linguistic mediation . I worked as a translator of an american university website ( from english to italian) and I worked on two Conyac's progects (from japanese into italian and from english into italian).
I'm usually online on Monday and Tuesday 10 am - 16 pm CET


イタリア語 英語 スペイン語 日本語
14 時間 / 週
I'm a gratuated translator from english, spanish and japanese into italian. Occasionally I can also translate from japanese into english and/or spanish. I am able to write article both in italian and in english.