I create conversion-focused, long-form articles in English.

$75.00 / 1時間
ライティング / 記事作成・編集
ポルトガル語 (ブラジル) 英語 フランス語 ドイツ語
The first step is to work on the materials supplied by your Company.
At this point, the most important is to learn all about the specifications of your Products or Services, and the differentiators that only you can provide.

Before telling the world about the benefits that you can offer, I work to identify where your preferred audiences are.
I start by creating a solid SEO strategy, based on deep voice-of-customer research.
to discover what the searchers’ intent are.

That’s how we can get the valuable insight to offer the specific solutions and resources to solve the problems and pain points of people in additional communities.
Next, I’m ready to produce highly-targeted articles in English, based on solid facts, and valuable insight.
Always optimized for the most relevant Keywords.
Thanks to Conversion Copywriting, your perfect clients will know your Brand has the exact solution they need.

By adopting this Communication strategy, a highly purposeful business with laser-focus can become the most coveted Brand. While cutting advertising costs. Optimizing profitability. And Sustainability.
A few case studies to show how you can benefit from my specialized Conversion-Focused Copywriting.

A quick search on Google for this long-tail keyword ( to conquer fluent English ) returns at least 03 articles I published recently. Showing them all on the first page of Google:

Do You Want To Conquer Fluent English? ( published on Research Gate ) -

Do_You_Want_To_Conquer_Fluent_English? -

A Landing page published on linguagile.com:
https://linguagile.com/to-conquer-fluent-english/ -

“ HOW 1 teen built the Approach 2 Conquer Fluent English. Faster & For Real. “ on medium.com:

Usually online from 08.30AM - 11.30AM
03.00PM - 06.30PM

Monday through Friday.
My time: GMT - 03


ポルトガル語 (ブラジル) 英語 フランス語 ドイツ語
25 時間 / 週
I’m a Communication Consultant specialized in New Business Development, with a long and successful career in the USA, Brazil, and Germany.

Thanks to an insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge, I have created
It’s my own unique Approach to reach fluency in English, and other languages. Faster. For Free. At home.

To learn more, please see my recent post:
“ HOW 1 teen built the Approach 2 Conquer Fluent English. Faster & For Real. “

How you can benefit from my Conversion Copywriting and Localization specialized services.
Am prepared to introduce your Brand to additional audiences across 3 Continents.
To accomplish this ambitious proposition, I start by conducting science-based research to collect valuable insight into the new Communities.

With highly targeted conversion-focused articles in English and Portuguese.
And posts in English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese.

Every publication optimized for the most relevant Keywords to align with search intent of viewers.
And always with links to your original content in English.

Raising The Global Reach Of An Award-Winning Technology Through Localization And Trans Creation.
Recently, the CEO of Squirrly Company in London, invited me to translate the Squirrly SEO software for WordPress into Brazilian Portuguese.
With the conclusion of the Localization of the software, I made it available to an additional Community of over 270 million people around the world who speak Portuguese.