Translate all documents

$12.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / ポストエディット
Standard 中国語(簡体字) → 英語 Standard ドイツ語 → 英語
I am very time efficient and accurate


英語 (native) ドイツ語 中国語(簡体字) 日本語
80 時間 / 週
Hi, my name is Nikkita and I am a professional translator. I have and still am working with companies like, Stepes, Blend, Babelcube, etc. I attended the University of the West Indies where I attained my Master's degree in Translation in Modern Languages in 2019. I have over 7 years of experience in the Translation field and I Translate all Expertise. I am happy today that my main goal is making my clients happy and satisfied.