I will proof-read and provide feedback on academic assignments, papers, theses and dissertations

$15.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 校正・ネイティブチェック
英語 → ドイツ語 ドイツ語 → 英語
Your text will be read diligently and corrected or rephrased where necessary. Inconsistencies, ambiguities and contradictions will be pointed out - if necessary, I will help with clarifications and suggestions for reworking and restructuring. I wished, I can also provide grammatical explanations and contextualise phrasing.
I have corrected, edited and guided numerous bachelor, master and phd students in around 30 assignments and theses from various fields of study.
Weekdays 8AM to 8PM
Weekends 9AM to 9PM


英語 ドイツ語 フランス語
20 時間 / 週
I am an editor, translator, and pr communications professional from Switzerland with experience in SEO-friendly copy writing, digital communication, project management and editoral work for news outlets.

Both German and English are my first languages and I am able to translate true to the original both from English to German and German to English. As I am native in both languages, can guarantee to include cultural context and appropriate phrasing. Moreover, I have studied English and German literature and language at university level and am thus familiar with academic language.

I have a bachelor's degree in Japanese studies with an overall N3 level, however for comprehension and translation at the level N1. I therefore am able to verify, correct, and edit translations from Japanese to English or Japanese to German or Japanese to French.

Living in the French-speaking area of Switzerland, my writing and comprehension of French is good and I would therefore be able to verify, correct, and edit translation from English to French, German to French and Japanese to French.