Transcriptions of audio and video files at €20,00 per hour.

Contact Freelancer
$25.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Transcribing text can be a time-consuming activity.
I will transcribe it for you and will deliver it after double-checking possible grammar errors.
* Please, specify if the transcription must take into account onomatopoeias and how you want it to be transcribed (literally or descriptively). Files with poor audio quality might be rejected.
- Transcription of audio source.
- Check for omissis and errors.
- Delivery.
8:00 AM - 22:00 PM (GMT)

briareos's Profile

ID Verified
Over 8 years ago
English Japanese Italian
I have studied English and Japanese at "L'Orientale" University of Naples.
I have a keen interest in all Japan-related kind of content.
I have been working as a translator for quite some time, but only from home.
I'm currently trying to work as a transcriber, too.