Dien LIm (dienlim90) Translations

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Over 9 years ago 30s
Bahasa Indonesia (Native) Japanese English
Travel Culture Literature Advertising Food/Recipe/Menu Manuals
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
dienlim90 Japanese → English
Original Text

連動起動ボタンを押して、 すぐにサイクル停止ボタンを押し、パイプガイドからパイプを取り出して初品チェックを行う。











Press the interlocking start button, Immediately press the cycle stop button, remove the pipe and do the first good check from the pipe guide.
When you are finished check of the first goods, press interlocking start button once again and enter the continuous operation.

And then, confirm!

Check the material of the marking and identification tag of equipment.

Input cutting dimension

Check the line section of identification tag, product number, number, size, lumber quality, cutting lenght, Dimensions, processing type and underline it.

And make sure it has been firmly set in the size counter.

17 notes of heater plumbing

If there are abnormality, contact the responsible person or group leader for the threatment

Once it at the lower limit, please replenish

dienlim90 English → Japanese
Original Text

Baidu invests $11M in restaurant management platform to bring more local businesses under its wing

Restaurant management software-as-a-service startup Keru Cloud today announced it has secured RMB 66 million (US$10.7 million) in series B funding led by Baidu and Tianxing Capital (hat-tip to 36kr). Fangjinglin Investment and Kaixing Capital also participated in the round.

The startup aims to be an all-in-one solution for restaurants and other businesses to go digital. It reports 3,000 restaurants nationwide, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and several more Chinese cities. By the end of this year it hopes to up that number to 20,000 merchants.


「百度」は、そのビジネスネットワークの拡大をレストランの経営で10億を投資しました。サービスの起動頂けるクラウドレストラン管理ソフトウェアは、本日、頂ける雲が資金RMB660(億10.7億ドール)を保存し、百度と資本Tianxing(hat-tip to 36k)
