Fawn Tseng (fawntseng)

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Almost 11 years ago Female
Chinese (Traditional) (Native) Japanese French English
Culture Advertising
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Doctor course of Communication, in Intercultural communication Studies
*日本語能力検定1級 (JLPT-N1)
*Maîtrise sciences de l’information et communication/Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier III), Montpellier, FRANCE
情報とコミュニケーション修士(ポール・ヴァレリー大学 、モンペリエ市Ⅲ・フランス)
*Etude de la langue française
I.E.F.E(Institut d’Etudes Français pour Etrangers), Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, FRANCE
*Bachelor of Arts, double major in:
--Japanese, Department of oriental language, Faculty of Foreign Language
--Advertising, Advertising Department, Faculty of Journalism & Communication Communication, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, TAIWAN, R.O.C
台灣 中國文化大學 日文與廣告(雙學位)學士
*前 醒吾技術學院(今"醒吾科技大學")日文講師
*現任 私立高中第二外語教師、翻譯(口譯&筆譯) & 文字工作者


Language Pair Area of Specialty Experience Description Example Translations
French → Chinese (Traditional) Culture 10–15 years
Japanese → Chinese (Traditional) Advertising 5–10 years 観光地、旅行先、商品とレシピ...の広告宣伝や案内書など
Japanese → Chinese (Traditional) Culture 20–25 years

Work History

(Completed / In Progress)
Standard Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Light Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Starter Japanese ≫ Chinese (Traditional) 0 10  / 10432 83  / 14667
Starter French ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 9  / 2536
Starter English ≫ Chinese (Traditional) 0 0  / 0 2  / 727
Starter English ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 2  / 639
Starter English ≫ French 0 0  / 0 2  / 1276
Starter Chinese (Traditional) ≫ French 0 0  / 0 1  / 11
Starter Japanese ≫ English 0 0  / 0 1  / 162
Starter Chinese (Traditional) ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter French ≫ Chinese (Traditional) 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter Chinese (Traditional) ≫ English 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter French ≫ English 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter (High) Japanese ≫ French 0 18  / 1967 55  / 10593