Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
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gloria English → Japanese
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gloria English → Japanese
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The anticipated details on Apple's next iPad reported on Monday by The Wall Street Journal are in line with earlier rumors claiming the device will sport the same "GF2" screen technology. That's expected to help allow the device to be thinner and lighter than its predecessors.

To date, Apple's existing full-size iPad have used GG touch tech. The new GF2 screen will also help reduce power consumption, thus allowing Apple to use a smaller battery and aiding in reducing the size and weight of the tablet.

Monday's report cited unnamed sources who indicated the same "film-based touch panel" found in the iPad mini will make its way to the fifth-generation iPad.


月曜日にThe Wall Street JournalからレポートされたAppleの次機種iPadの詳細は、同じ"GF2"画面技術がサポートされるだろうとする初期の噂にほぼ沿ったものでした。この技術により、これまでの機種よりも薄く軽量にすることが可能になると期待されています。



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The company behind the technology, Nitto Denko Corp., plans to double its capacity for touch sensors by the end of the fiscal year.

Apple's next iPad is expected to take other design cues from the iPad mini, including a thinner bezel on the sides of the device, allowing the overall frame to become smaller while still offering the same 9.7-inch display. It's also possible that the fifth-generation iPad will include stereo speakers, like the iPad mini.

To date, there have been a number of parts leaks corroborating those rumors that the next full-size iPad will essentially look like a bigger iPad mini. It's expected that Apple could introduce the fifth-generation iPad as soon as September.


この技術の背景にある会社、Nitto Denko Corp.は、会計年度末までにタッチセンサーのキャパシティを倍増させる計画です。



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Finally, the source claimed Apple will remove the familiar rectangular icon on the iPhone's home button, but did not explain the reasoning behind the change. Kuo, in a research note released on Saturday, said Apple had to tweak the design of the iPhone's home button to support a fingerprint sensor. The new part is said to be slightly convex and will be made of sapphire instead of plastic.

Apple has yet to announce either an iPhone 5S or iPhone 5C, but a report from AllThingsD on Saturday said the company will likely announce its new smartphone products at an event on Sept. 10.



AppleはまだiPhone 5SやIPhone 5Cについて発表をしていませんが、日曜日のAllThingsDからのレポートによれば同社は新スマートフォン製品の発表を9月10日のイベントで行うのではないかと言われています。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Although the new fingerprint sensor gets all the attention, another big draw of the forthcoming iPhone 5S is the rumored camera improvements. We’ve heard that we’re at least looking at a megapixel jump to 12MP, but dual-LED flash is also rumored to be in the cards, and when it comes to the latter, it looks like we may have just received our confirmation.

Photographs of new leaked iPhone 5S parts have been published online, showing the uppermost glass wedge of the device.

As you may recall, this glass section is designed to easily allow the iPhone 5’s antenna signals to pass through the metal chassis of the device, and the uppermost section also accommodates cut-outs for the iPhone’s camera and LED flash.


新しい指紋センサーが注目を集めていますが、次機種iPhone 5Sの大きな特徴として、噂されているカメラの改良もあります。少なくともメガピクセルジャンプの12MPになるのではないかと聞いていますが、デュアルLEDフラッシュもあり得るのではないかと噂になっています。後者については、つい最近確認がとれたようです。

新しくリークされたiPhone 5Sのパーツの写真がオンラインで公表され、機器の最上部ガラスウェッジ部分が公表されています。

思い出した方もいるでしょうが、このガラス部分はiPhone 5Sのアンテナ信号が機器の金属シャシを通って発信されやすいように設計されたものであり、この最上部にもiPhoneカメラとLEDフラッシュのための切欠きが備わっています。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

But look at how big the cut-out for the LED flash is in the above image. It’s fully twice the size of the current one.

The increased size indicates a dual-LED flash module, which should result in a more natural, “even” illumination in low-light conditions. It’s not going to make your low-light pictures look as good as photos where the flash doesn’t trigger, but it’ll help.

Unlike the iPhone 5S fingerprint sensor, which is probably not going to be a revolutionary new feature for everyone, dual-LED flash is something that can theoretically improve everyone’s photography. We’re glad this one is shaping up to be more than a rumor.




万人にとっておそらくそれほど革新的ではないiPhone 5Sの指紋センサーとは異なり、デュアルLEDフラッシュは理論的に誰でも写真を上手く撮れるようにするものです。これが単なる噂でなく、現実味を帯びてきたことを我々はうれしく思っています。

gloria Japanese → English
Original Text




Social services are commonly conducted as businesses in United States of America, but in Japan, many people tend to think such services as volunteer services, which are conducted by people having strong sense of justice.
In fact, there are many people who are engaged in such activities voluntarily without any compensation. However, I do not think that activities would not be effectively spread widely through such way.
I do think that we can contribute in social services by calling for donations, by organizing such activities as business and by paying proper wages for good human powers.

Studying in SSU, which has very good environment, since we can hear comments on problems in many countries from respective person who came from respective countries, not only because we can study English and business skills.

gloria Japanese → English
Original Text




When I was working for the Commerce and Industry Association in Japan, a customer offered us that it would like to gather more people from foreign countries.
As it was located in a small spa town and therefore there were few people who could speak English, we placed signboards in the shops and in the town, describing the name of spots in easy-to-understand simple words.
It was a rural small spa town, then by placing the signboards, it was appreciated by many foreigners visiting there. Consequently, the fame of that small spa town was spread through word-of-mouth communication and foreigners visiting that town increased greatly. People who worked in that town were also content.

In the world, there should be many such problems. To find such problems in the world, English is essential.