Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Paying for items is easy with OneID because users don’t have to repeatedly enter a credit card number. All data is encrypted and not stored.

Users can manage their devices and information through OneID. Websites that opt to use OneID’s system will store verification codes, which are useless to hackers because those codes don’t contain any secret information.

Kirsch, who has founded five other successful startups, has pitched his idea to the U.S. Treasury and top Fortune 500 companies. OneID is still in beta, but Kirsch thinks it will be the new digital identity standard. The software was recently released for developers’ use.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Other companies have tried to eliminate user names and passwords. Facebook’s Connect sign-in button has been adopted by many websites, but some users are wary of signing into websites using their Facebook login because it gives access to demographic information, profile picture, networks, user ID, friends lists and other information.

Another example of a payment sign-in system is PayPal — but Kirsch said OneID is more secure.

“OneID is like what PayPal should have been when it comes to security,” Kirsch said. “We are going to leapfrog PayPal. We are PayPal 4.0.”

Would you use OneID? Tells us in the comments.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The survey — which was conducted among 2,173 developers worldwide — found that 39% of participants said the network effects of Google’s initiatives are more important to their social strategies in 2012 than Facebook’s social graph.

“Google is learning some good lessons from Facebook about what not to do and what to do better,” Appcelerator principal analyst Michael King told Mashable. “We didn’t expect Google to expect to do so well against Facebook, but it puts them at an advantage. Many developers now see Google as offering more opportunities for growth than Facebook.”




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

This auction is for a NEW TOUR ISSUE Taylormade RBZ 8.5* TXXXXX Head. This is brand new. This is the new RBZ Non Tour Head which has a a shallower face, these are very popular on tour right now. Many pros like Sean O'Hair, John Rollins, Luke Donald and many more. Most of the pros are dropping their old heads for the new RBZ. The 8.5 is a tour only loft. This has the TXXXX serial and +. It comes with the tour only r11 TP adaptor, and RBZ Headcover. The specs are 198g, 8.3, 1.5 open.

Is this order confirmed? if so i will yank those heads down off ebay.

8.5 loft is non tour, tour is 8*, which one did you want?


このオークションは新しいツアー支給テイラーメイドRBZ8.5* TXXXXヘッドです。これは新品です。これは新しいRBZの非ツアーヘッドで表面が浅く、現在ツアーではとても人気が高いものです。ショーン・オヘア、ジョン・ロリンズ、ルーク・ドナルドなどの多くのプロがこれを好んで使います。古いヘッドをやめて新しくこのRBZを使うプロが多くなっています。8.5はツアーオンリーのロフトです。これにはTXXXXのシリアル番号と+がついています。また、ツアーオンリーのR11 TPアダプタとRBZヘッドカバーも付いています。スペックは198g、8.3、オープンです。



gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Please email me direct at the golf habit at Verizon dot net. I have some more tour issue 2011 rescue prototype heads 19 & 22 degrees and I want to send you pictures but need your direct email address. The pictures wont send through ebay system.

Right now, if you are ordering 10+ sets, we are offering to you $85 / set. However, the price of 5.5 Flighted and 6.5 non-flighted needs to be $125 / set. This is because we have very limited supply of these shafts. For the 7 sets you are ordering of 6.5 on this order, we are keeping the price at $85 / set for you to show our appreciation for your business. Please keep in mind the other price in future orders. Thank you again.


私に直接golf habit @Verizon. netへメールをください。私はツアー支給2011レスキュープロトタイプヘッドの19度と22度をもっと持っています。また、あなたに写真を送りたいのですがあなたに直接届くeメール番号が必要です。写真はebayのシステムでは送ることができません。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Increasingly, though, it appears Chinese consumers are willing to hold e-tailers accountable for customer service failings, and punish them accordingly. The latest evidence of this comes from a report by the Modern International Research Company, which did a nationwide China survey and found that 93 percent of Chinese consumers would stop or decrease their use of a given site if they encountered problems with returning or exchanging items purchased on that site. Specifically, 30 percent of survey respondents said a return or exchange problem would stop them from ever using the site again, and 63 percent said that it would cause them to reduce the amount they shopped on that site.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

CloudFactory, From the Heights of Nepal, Can Put 1 Million Cloud Workers Into Business

CloudFactory is a fascinating business and concept, not just because it’s based in the Himalayan nation of Nepal, but because it can put one million people in developing countries – including in Nepal itself – into work on the web.

Those folks get employment doing basic computer work from their own home, while the companies that make use of the CloudFactory service get that huge human workforce to do tasks online like flagging bad content, inputting data, transcribing audio, fixing OCR, tagging images, etc. Essentially, many kinds of digitization, categorization, moderation, or even translation.



