Simple Tasks & Others / Other

Business E-book Translation project 2 [English to Japanese]

Order Details

This translation project is for a business related e-book from English to Japanese.
We are looking for 3 translators with experience in business related translations.
Please apply and list your experience and why you would like to participate in this project.
Looking forward to your applications and working with you.

Subject: Business e-book for Kindle

Languages: English to Japanese

16 chapters
195 pages
approx. 58,000 words (approx. 290,000 characters)
per translator, about 96,000 characters

Translators: 3 Translators to work as a team due to the large volume

Reward: 75,000 JPY per translator

Application Deadline: July 6th 24:00 JST

Submission Deadline: July 17th 24:00 JST
Required Translator Languages
English → Japanese
To be submitted on Conyac
Payment Timing
Immediately after verification


01 Jul 2015 at 10:33
Completion Deadline
Application Deadline
10K yen–100K yen
Maximum Applicants
1–10 People

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English → Japanese
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English → Japanese
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