y_y_jean Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
y_y_jean English → Japanese
Original Text

The French psychiatrist Perrier has stated flatly that the schizophrenic does not recognize himself in the mirror; he considers that this symptom shows that the patient has neglected adn lost his ego. Schulz has described a 25-year-old female patien whose depersonalization--- she felt her right arm was not connected to her body--- ceased when she was reassured about her body integrity by looking in the mirror. The experience of a probably paranoid schizophrenic observinghimself in mirros is also exsellently described in a novel by Simenon.
Schulz also reported a neurotic patient who would examine himself in the mirror while shaving and experience the recurring inner questions, ''Is that me?'' and ''Who am I ?''



y_y_jean English → Japanese
Original Text

probablyillustrating his concern about his identity. In this connection, one observes that adolescents frequently spend time examining themselves in mirrors; and analysands, especially female, often report mirror-gazing intheir childhood, especially during pubescence. Persons of certain narcissistic charactertypes describe disrobing before a mirror and deriving great pleasure in self-observation; occasionally there are reports of actual or wished-for orgastic experiences. The theme of the mirror as revealing character is ancient, ranging from the stories of Narcissus and Snow White to the use of the mirror as a chastity test in the Arabian Nights tales

