Tsugumi (tsugumi) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Turkish French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tsugumi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

How is the travel industry changing with consumer behaviour?

Most travel purchasing flows simply start with a Google search. The user types in “cheap flights Bangkok,” for example. The search results will show many travel search engines like Agoda, Kayak, Expedia, etc, where the user can do some reference pricing. Usually the purchase intent is very explicit so it makes sense that travel companies spend most of their customer acquisition dollars on search engine marketing. Once on a travel site, the customer selects their target destination, inputs the date parameters, then browses the search results to see if any are attractive. Simple, right?



例えばユーザーは「格安航空券 バンコク」というふうに入力する。すると検索結果には、Agoda、Kayak、 Expediaといった、ユーザー自身で価格比較することができるトラベル検索エンジンが数多くヒットする。大抵の場合、購入する意志がとても明確なので、旅行会社が顧客獲得のために検索エンジンマーケティングに多額の資金を費やすのにも納得がいく。トラベルサイトで消費者が彼らの目的地を選択すると、パラメータデータにインプットし、何が魅力的かどうかを確認するために検索結果をブラウズする。