Ayumi H (tshirt) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Murfreesboro, TN
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tshirt English → Japanese
Original Text

You have received 2 packages from C Cole and one from Chris C today that contain toy guns that replicate real weapons. Please provide a link to these items so I can view them to see if we can even ship them. If you cannot provide the link then I will check the actual packages.Please provide and invoice for these orders that contains merchant details and item descriptions.In the past items like these have been difficult to export. Also, there are strict restrictions on importing them to Japan. Are you aware of these restrictions? Have you checked with your customs office to see if you can import these items? Have you shipped items like this with us before?


本日C Cole から2つ、Chris Cから1つ、本物の武器のレプリカのトイガンを含む荷物を貴方は受け取りました。私がせめてこれらを発送をすることができるか調べるため、これらのアイテムのリンクをお知らせください。もしリンクをお知らせいただけないようでしたら実際の荷物を調べます。これらの注文の売主詳細と商品説明を含む請求書をご提供ください。このような商品の輸出は以前困難でした。また、これらの商品の輸入に対して日本では厳しい規制があります。これらの規制があることはご存知でしたか?税関事務所にこれらの商品を輸入できるか確認しましたか?このような商品を以前我々から発送したことはありますか?

tshirt English → Japanese
Original Text

Starting June 1st, a record of your account with our store will be maintained on a cumulative basis for a period of one year. Once your purchases have reached $500, you will be automatically entitled to a 5% discount on any order placed, including orders for sale items. When your orders have reached the $1,000 mark, your discount will increase to 10%. A $1,500 accumulation of orders will entitle you to a 15% discount and once you have reached $2,000 you will receive 20% off all merchandise orders. We think it's a great idea and hope that you agree.

Won't you send us a purchase order today to get you started on your way? If you think of a good name for us to tag onto this new discount program, please let us know!




tshirt English → Japanese
Original Text

As a valued customer of xxx, we couldn’t wait to bring you the good news. This letter is to announce the incorporation of our new customer incentive program.

China has barred its airlines from participating in the ETS and the US Congress has voted to exclude US airlines from it.

Trevor Sikorski, a carbon markets analyst at Barclays Capital, said broad non-compliance among non-EU airlines could lead to jets being impounded in the EU and tit-for-tat measures, "which would be very damaging for airlines".

Airbus chief executive Tom Enders, quoted by the Associated Press, said he was worried that "what started out as a solution for the environment has become a source of potential trade conflict".




Barclays Capitalのカーボン市場のアナリストであるTrvor Sikorski氏は、多くのヨーロッパ系でなく、ETSコンプライアンスでない航空会社は、しっぺ返し目的でフライトをEU内に抑える可能性があり、「それは航空会社にとって大きなダメージとなります。」と言う。

Airbusのチーフ エグゼクティブであるTom Enders氏は、Assosiated Pressに対し「環境保護の対策として始まったことが貿易摩擦の原因となってしまう可能性がある。」と不安を見せた。

tshirt English → Japanese
Original Text

Here is the reply from UPS Japan Brokerage…your customer is claiming these are batteries being shipped to them after they were repaired or replaced by Helton.
Here is the reply from UPS Japan Brokerage…your customer is claiming these are batteries being shipped to them after they were repaired or replaced by Helton.
It is now up to them to prove they sent them to you for repair or to be replaced.
If this is the case, then they should have no problem providing proof of export but the delay is because they are trying to avoid paying duty.
Feel free to export to Japan, there are no issues with importing your batteri


これがUPS Japan Brokerageからの返答です・・・貴方の顧客は、これらはHeltonによって修理もしくは交換された後、彼らに発送されるバッテリーであるとおっしゃっています。

これがUPS Japan Brokerageからの返答です・・・貴方の顧客は、これらはHeltonによって修理もしくは交換された後、彼らに発送されるバッテリーであるとおっしゃっています。



tshirt English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for choosing our hotel. Please find below the sales conditions related to your booking :
Check-in time is from 3 PM & check-out until 11 AM.
No prepayment at moment of reservation.Payment due upon arrival.
Guarantee with CB number.
Cancellation and amendment possible until the same day of arrival 12 noon.
Penalties in case of no-show or non respect of sales conditions : amount of 2-night stay.
Stay from 04 to 07 nights included: no cleaning the room.
Stay from 04 to 09 nights included: weekly cleaning the room.

Monday to Friday: Reception open from 7am to 4am.
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: open from 8.00 am to 12.00 and from 2.00 pm to 2:00 am ( closed 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays).



月曜から金曜:受付営業時間 7AMから4AM
土曜、日曜、祝日:8AMから12PMと2PMから2AM 受付営業時間(週末と祝日は12PMから2PMは営業時間外となります。)