translow (translow) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Nagasaki, Japan
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
translow English → Japanese
Original Text

I work for a pet psychic, also known as an animal communicator,...
...and he would explain these events a little differently.
According to most pet psychics,... communicate with your pets telepathically all the time, without even knowing it.
Your cat hides and your dog gets ready to play...
...because of signals you send with your mind, not because of your actions.
According to pet psychics, electromagnetic energy surrounds and penetrates everything in the universe,...
...much like the "Force" in "Star Wars."
This energy is part of the radio spectrum,...
...but scientists haven't figured out how to detect it.



translow English → Japanese
Original Text

Pet psychics can use energy to contact animals,... matter how far away the animals are...
...or whether they are still living or not.

The Hunt.
Paparazzi are one of the most feared by-products of pop culture, wouldn't you agree?
They tirelessly hunt celebrities, public figures and their families for the opportunity to photograph them in candid moments.
At the most basic level, paparazzi hang out on the streets and in public places...
...waiting for an opportunity to photograph a star.
But if you were a member of the paparazzi who wants to make a lot of money,...
...would you wait for hours just to get a picture?
This method is far too inefficient.




translow English → Japanese
Original Text

Albert was livid. Absolutely livid.
"How could they?" he said to himself. "How could they ask me, how could they ask anyone with any intelligence whatsoever, to put up with this kind of treatment?"
The young man was seething as he slammed into his chair and assaulted his computer. If the mouse had been a live one, it surely would have suffered whiplash from Albert's jerking as he whipped it back and forth across the mouse pad to disengage his computer's screen saver and cause the menu display to pop onto the screen.
Albert quickly scrolled the cursor to his Internet browser icon and double clicked. He tapped his right heel up and down and glared off into the opposite side of his office cubicle,

