Tourmaline (tourmaline) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
technology Law Science
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

For example, if Venezuela decided to adopt Bitcoin as their national currency, the demand spike would overload the capacity of the existing network. This perception of high risk, whether justified or not, is one of the factors preventing disruptions from excess demand.

Measuring Bitcoin’s Volatility

What this chart reveals is that Bitcoin’s volatility is now surprisingly low and holding steady below the 5% mark since a brief spike in early 2015. A volatility rate which occasionally peaks at 5% on a monthly basis remains far higher than any other major currency, the difference being that Bitcoin is appreciating in value despite high volatility whereas fiat currencies constantly depreciate due to inflation.


たとえば、ベネズエラがビットコインを自国の通貨として採用することに決めた場合、需要の急増は既存のネットワークの容量を過えてしまいます。 高リスクであるという認識は、正しいかどうかにかかわらず、需要が過剰による混乱を防ぐ要因の1つになります。


この表が示すのは、ビットコインのボラティリティは今や驚くほど低く、2015年初めの短期間の急上昇以来5%を下回る水準を維持しています。月ごとに5%でピークになることもあるボラティリティは他の主要な通過よりもかなり高く、 相違点は、変動性が高いにもかかわらずビットコインは価値が高く評価されているが、シンバル通貨はインフレのために常に下落しているという点である。

tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

2) Volatility and Traders

For nimble traders, high volatility is desirable. Not only does it provide plenty of opportunities for large, fast profits but also lots of buying or selling opportunities within larger trends. That said, traders conditioned to more staid markets will need to seriously adjust their game plan in order to survive in the wild Bitcoin markets.

Price volatility may also represent a useful measuring-stick for traders. It is perhaps best visualised in the form of Bollinger Bands. By default, this popular indicator works by drawing lines 2 standard deviations above and below a 21 period moving average of price.



敏捷なトレーダーにとっては、高いボラティリティが望ましいです。 それは大きな素早い利益のための多くの機会を提供するだけでなく、より大きな傾向の中で多くの購入や売却の機会を提供します。 それは野生のビットコイン市場で生き残るためには、より落ち着いた市場にいるトレーダーは、真剣にゲーム計画を調整する必要があるということです。

価格の変動率はトレーダーにとって有用な計測指針となるかもしれません。 ボリンジャーバンドの形で最もよく視覚化されているでしょう。 デフォルトではこの人気指標は、価格の21期間移動平均の2倍の標準偏差の上下線を描くことによって機能します。

tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

3) Volatility and Merchants

Unstable money can make commerce difficult. For this reason, most merchants price their goods in fiat currency, with the Bitcoin price tag automatically adjusted to match. Provided the merchant converts all their earnings to fiat instantly, they have fairly minimal exposure to volatility risks.

4) Volatility and Service Providers

Those who earn weekly or monthly Bitcoin payments for their services may find that they receive far fewer BTC than expected in the (not unlikely) event of a sudden price rise. In a worst case scenario, Bitcoin price may rocket just before payday then plunge before service providers are able to convert their coins to fiat.



不安定なお金は商取引を困難にする可能性があります。 このためほとんどの加盟店は、ビットコインの価格表が自動的に一致するさせるる、法定紙幣での商品価格で設定します。 加盟店がすべての収益を即時に換金するならば、ボラティリティリスクに触れることははごくわずかです。


サービスの対価として毎週または毎月の支払いを受け取っている人は、突然の価格上昇の(起こりそうもない)イベントで予想よりもはるかに少ないBTCを受け取ることがあります。 最悪の場合では、ビットコインの価格は給料日の直前に急騰し、サービスプロバイダーが通過決済できるようになるまでに急落する可能性があります。

tourmaline English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Bitcoin Price Volatility (measured by % of change)

Defining Bitcoin Volatility

Volatility refers to “how much price jumps up and down over time.” The VIX is the most widely-followed measure of volatility and serves as a measure for the expected future volatility of the USA’s S&P 500 index.

Usually the smaller market cap an asset has the more volatile it will be. Imagine throwing a rock into a small pond. Now take the same rock and throw it into the ocean. The rock will have much more effect on the pond than on the ocean. In the same manner Bitcoin (the small pond for now) is more volatile (i.e. affected) by everyday buy / sell orders (the rock).





通常、資本の時価総額が小さいほど変動する可能性が高くなります。 小さな池に岩を投げ込むと想像してください。 今、同じ岩を取って海に投げると、 岩は海より池にはるかに大きな影響を与えます。 同じように、ビットコイン(今は小さな池)は、毎日の買い注文/売り注文(岩石)によって変動が激しいです(影響を受けます)。

tourmaline English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Volatility is a mathematical measure of the potential size of likely price changes. Relative volatility expectations explain why a 2% daily change in the value of a major currency may shock markets whereas a 4% daily move in Bitcoin is considered fairly standard.


BTC (blue line) and Pound (red line) volatility compared.

In this post we’re referring to volatility based on historical Bitcoin trading data. Future – or “implied” – volatility must be calculated based on options data, which for Bitcoin is not yet sufficiently available.

Investopedia defines volatility as follows:

Volatility is a statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security or market index.


ボラティリティは、潜在的な価格変動のサイズを示す数学的尺度です。 相対的なボラティリティの期待は、主要通貨の価値の日々の2%の変動で市場を脅かすが、ビットコインの日動4%はかなり標準的であると考えられていることを表しています。


この投稿では、過去のビットコイン取引データに基づくボラティリティを参照しています。 将来の(または暗示された)ボラティリティは、ビットコインがまだ十分に利用可能でないオプションデータに基づいて計算されなければなりません。



tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

I went to pack this shipment but I have run out of this Zippo, but we only have 1 in stock. I am so sorry for the delay and this issue, we thought we had more in stock. Please let me know if you would like a different lighter (anything similar in price), or if you would like a refund on the 2 lighters I cannot send. I am pulling them from all of our stores today. I will also include an additional free set of flints for your trouble. If you want a refund instead of another item just let me know by ebay message and I will send the full refund right away. Please do not open an ebay dispute, that really hurts our rating. Again, I am very sorry for the issue, please tell us how to proceed.


ebay disputeは開かないで下さい。私の店の評価をかなり下げますので。

tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

I like Toyota more than before"... Toyota manufactures really good, innovative and high quality vehicles. The company offers models for everybody.

I don't want to buy a GOLF CART I, want a CAR. I'm still driving my 2002 Camry. I need safety and a Car... With range... I.e. ) All with out to stop and GO TO H ( Tesla) LL.. What you respond with ? Eh ?

i have Toyota protect depreciation cap add-on insurance policy. my car was damaged by rat bitten. i file for claim.But Toyota had cheat with customer in Toyota claim is passed for new wirings but for customer they have jus repair old one..

I can now choose a Toyota that fulfills my needs from an informed point of view


私はゴルフカートを買いたいのではなく車が欲しいです。私はまだ2002カムリに乗っています。私は安全も担保したいし、車も欲しいし、レンジがあって欲しいです。例えば、テスラのストップ アンドGO-TO-Hのような。これにどう答えますか?はい?

tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

For the first time in human history, the consumer is far separated from the product and its producer. In a world of obscene excesses, we have lost our link to our environment and the unique aspects of the things within it. The fall of the Berlin Wall opened up Berlin to a new quality of life. We are introducing the people of Berlin to the full range of locally sourced products in their city and the region around it. We see it as our responsibility to support the producers in Berlin and its environs. "Vocally Local," one might say.
"The Burger House has 5 more locations in Munich. Please check the website for the exact contact information!

- Weißenburger Platz
- Pinakothek
- Luitpold Park
- Glockenbach
- Harras"


- Weißenburger Platz
- Pinakothek
- Luitpold Park
- Glockenbach
- Harras"

tourmaline English → Japanese
Original Text

hope you are doing well. I have practiced on a spare limb, trying to remove the paint and always get the yellow-orange color you have on your Bonnie, after the paint remover. Nothing seems to remove it.
I would like to make you a new Bonnie head, next time you order a doll from me, and send it home with the new next doll, when it is finished, at no extra charge to you, for the Bonnie replacement head. I don't know what else to do, that would be fair to you.
No hurry on your art, when ever you order your ext doll, is fine and will then make a new head. I also will send you a container of reborn doll powder blush, so you can blush the dolls the way you would like them to be

