Bhisma Margijanto (thepiemaker) Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesian (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
thepiemaker English → Indonesian ★★★☆☆ 3.5
Original Text

the nva siege of khe san combat base located amidst the jungle on a red clay hill 11km from the laotian border, was a dramatic counterpoint on the tet offensive. the base was occupied by 6000 us marines and arvn troops, and by 1968 general william westmoreland hoped that the base would attract a major nva assault, thereby giving him the opportunity to inflict major cassualties on a geographically locatable enemy. on 20 january 1968 some 40000 nva regular soldiers put khe san under siege. although cut off from the land, khe san was resupplied by us transport aircraft while b-52 and other ground attack aircraft blasted the surrounding jungle almost 24 hours a day. the siege was end in 8 april


Pengepungan NVA terhadap markas tempur Khe San berlokasi di tengah hutan pada bukit liat merah 11 km dari batas negara Laos, adalah sebuah titik kontras yang dramatis pada pihak ofensif tet. Markas diduduki oleh 6000 marinir AS dan pasukan arvn, dan sampai 1968 Jendral William Westmoreland berharap agar markas akan menarik serangan besar nva, yang akan memberi dia kesempatan untuk menimbulkan korban besar pada musuh yang dapat dicari secara geografis. Pada 20 Januari 1968 sekitar 40000 tentara nva menyerbu Khe San. Walaupun terpisah dari daratan, Khe San disuplai kembali oleh pesawat transport AS ketika B-52 dan pesawat serangan darat lainnya menembaki hutan di sekitarnya hampir 24 jam sehari. Pengepungan berakhir pada 8 April